I was able to get in to see a mystery movie that will be released later this year. Well it will be released today actually (in Finland I think, maybe allover). So I was excited to go see a movie of which I had no clue what so ever. This is to prove my point that I would enjoy a movie more if I knew nothing about it. We got a little free snack box of popcorn when we got it. That was a very nice thing in my opinion. I think they might have said so, but I can't remember. What I did not enjoy too much was the company. I am used to people sitting nicely and talking moderately while waiting for the movie to start. Now I had bunch of youngsters sitting behind me, and I started to worry if they would continue to talk through out the movie. Luckily they did not.
So the mystery movie was Bridge of Spies with Tom Hanks. At first I was a bit worried about it, until I found the right mindset of just taking it in. In the end it is a very nice story of opposites. I know some people have been dissing the fact that it was winter in one country and summer in the other, but haven't you people heard of cinematic storytelling!? Just think of the opposites and your mind might be blown. If I were in school, I would love to do a paper of this movie. I could talk about the subject itself, or the cinematic storytelling or how the movie is presenting the countries involved. How I wish I was in school just to do a presentation of these subjects! You should consider this movie an eye opener.
Definitely a must see movie at some point! I can't wait to hear if others think the same way of the movie as I do. I don't want to tell too much, as it might spoil the movie. I might have told too much already, if you really don't want to hear anything (like I usually don't want to).