Sunday, October 25, 2015

Things that bother me

(Yes it is very late and I should probably just go to bed. Just adding up things that I have noticed)

You know in social situation when you talk about your plans with your friends, you expect to be listened to. I have noticed that in a few cases this is not the case. I would understand if I had been talking about a thing in a far future but the next week is not that far. Also if the other part is involved in the plans (well in this case the plan was not to see as I would not have been at home). 

Other thing in a social situation why do people play with their phones all the time! I understand checking messages and calls as they are normal. But facebooking and playing games is a bit too much (in cases where you only see the other ones for a few hours). If you spend the whole day together than I don't mind. The idea is to spent time with your friends, so you can do the extra activity with your phone later.

Pushing singles ones to date. Need I say more? This is usually problem with those who date. 

Negativity. I try to be my positive best everyday. I have started to notice this that when some people have an experience that if it does not wow them, they will talk down on that experience i.e. "there was nothing special in it." Not everything is a wow experience, but if you have a positive mind send you will have a positive experience. Finding the silver lining in a bad situation and sticking with the good you find. What I am talking about in this negativity part, is the small negativity: talking down, using disrespectful tone (when you think no-one notices it) and ignoring what others have to say. 

People who are unable to budget. I do admit that at the moment my own budget is not working. It is not totally bad, but it could be better (I have no other debt than my credit card). I am owed a bit more than my debt, so I am not worried. I have noticed that even though you would get some money (inheritance or settlement or win a medium amount at lottery), it will be gone quite fast. Well I did not get too much inheritance from my granny, but enough to have spent it in I think three months. 

The fucking cigarette smell in this apartment! Well it does not bother me as much as I just hate it. Apparently there is nothing that can be done about it! Yes you smokers can smoke at your own home as much as you please, but come on! The smoker is in the first floor and I am in the third! It is getting freezing outside so I can't keep the windows open all the time. 

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