Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Birthday gift for my god son part II

The birthday scout's knife has not yet arrived. I emailed last week about the time table, to which I got no reply. Then I emailed this week that they should change the delivery address, as it seems that it will not arrive in time. Yesterday I got an email reply that the delivery address has been changed. There was also an added note, that said: Hopefully the knife will arrive in time for Friday due to the address being written by hand. So I assume it has left the factory yesterday. Fingers crossed that it will arrive in time.

I have also bought a backup gift. A few pencils, two bendy pencils and eraser pen. Just so that I will have something to give. I am sure that he will like them, although his mother (my sister in law) might not enjoy them as much. (The bendy pens at least.) I also have my other nieces and nephews gift for him. I bought a gift certificate to BR toy store. I also have really nice card, which was a bit more expensive than I had hoped for (5 euros), but besides the knife he will not be getting anything expensive from me. The knife is also from my sister, so we bought it together. So it is not entirely from me. Ah, you know what I mean!

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