Friday, September 18, 2015

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

First: I collected some bottle tops (or codes in them) during the summer. I collected enough codes to get a free ticket to the movies. The only catch was that I had to use it quite soon. I think I had like 1,5 months to use it. Now I have less than two weeks to go. Thus I decided to use it on the next movie I go see full price.

Second: They really have increased the ticket prices! Now during the week, if you go to the movies in the evening, it costs 12 euros! Bloody rip off I say! *Some info digging* Well they haven't increased all prices yet. The special movie is 12 euros (so if a movie is going away it's special?) There are supposedly some movies during the week that are 9,5 euros... I just haven't found them yet. Well they are classic ones, so I don't know what that means.

Third: Went with a friend and we thought we were on time, but actually we were 15 minutes late. Luckily the movie just started literally when we bought the tickets. So what we missed was some first text and shots. We literally were sitting down before the main gimmick (the plane + Cruise) even started. So no problem!

The movie was good. One of the best in the series I think. (If you ask me the second one was not that good.) There were action, there were some comedic moments and whilst I was able to be a step ahead of the plot (as quite many of us probably were able to do) it was not boring. It was entertaining. To be honest we just decided the movie quite last minute. I had recommended some horror movies that are showing now. So I did not have too much expectations going in. I think that gave some boost to my enjoyment. This is the type of movie that you will enjoy most while watching at the movie theater. Thumbs up!

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