Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What'a day!

Hey! How's it going? How've you been?

So today I had my interview for an employment agency followed by a Monster club seminar. In the morning I barely woke at 6:30 so I snoozed till 6:40. I was out and about at 7:30 as the interview started at 8:00. I was at the employment agency sharply 7:50 (I checked my phone). The interview started at the time it was supposed to start and lasted about an hour. I think it went okey considering that the job the interview was for is not certain (i.e. there might or might not be a job opening). 

I walked to Koskikeskus to spent some time as I had about 3,5 hour before the seminar thingy in Siperia. No worries here, just spending time and annoying a friend and my sister with messages. After I left Koskikeskus I went to have a cup of coffee at cafe Bloom (which is next to Siperia) and noticed a funny thing. There is a cut in my sleeve. Three holes to be more exact, with one of them being a big one. On my left hand (the side where the interviewer was) and I do tend to wave my hands while talking...  First thought: Gah! This was an expensive jacket! Noooooooo! Can I fix it? No, well yes but it will look ugly (because of the type of material the jacket is). Second thought: Maybe the interviewer did not notice it. 

The cafe had small bathroom, so I decided to go to the nearby Finnkino. I had lots of layers, so I needed space to do what I needed to do. No problem until I saw myself on the mirror! I had buttoned the wrong button and buttonhole. I had not seen it at home. What must have the interviewer think!? If she did not notice these things, I am not going to bring any attention to them by asking her about it. So I went to wait for the time to pass, now that I had fixed myself. Then I noticed that I need to pull up one of my layers and whilst doing so my tights broke. So back to bathroom I went to take them off. Luckily it was not that cold (just +5C) so my legs would not freeze. 

So to seminar I went, now all fixed up. It was not all that well organized, or at least that was my first observation. Luckily the seminar itself was good and I enjoyed the introductions of the companies. Unfortunately when the seminar came to an end I pulled down my bag and the lowest button on my jacket flew off. It was not even buttoned or anything. It just popped. I took the button with me so I can put it back at some point. I introduced myself to agents from three different employment agencies and gave them my CV's. So all in all a good day. 

I think I might need to add here, that I got home all safe and sound. 

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