Monday, March 23, 2015

I have moved!

Ah! Finally!

Well I haven't been able to move back to Canada yet. Mainly because I have not yet found a job nor have applied for the visa. Just living in someone else's home and not having time for yourself, puts all your thoughts on hold. I just had to get away. Now I feel free to live my life, and not have it on hold. I know you understand this if you have e.g. moved back home as an adult. I wish I could say never again, but I know better than that.

I've moved back to Tampere, where I moved from Florida ah almost 10 years ago! Time flies! This has been my 22nd move so far. If I had to choose, I would say that the best place to live has been Toronto so far. Just because it is full of everything. No place is perfect, but Toronto has come pretty close. I just wish that moving there would be a bit more easier. I have calculated that just the visa is about 2000$ plus all the paperwork (translations, language tests, etc) is at least 1000$ added. Then to move, I would need about 7500$ as funds at the border. So it is not cheap to just move. However if I would happen to find a job, I would not need the funds at the entry.

Well, it was not my intention to talk about Canada, but as you can see it is on my mind. I am almost settled here. All I need is two bookselves, so I can fit all my books and DVD's (and blueray's). And digibox and blueray player... Then I am done. So I have to budget at least 280€ for that. 70€ per item, Billy bookshelv at Ikea is about that, and Digibox without memory (but you can add your own external harddrive to it) is about that too. Blueray might be a bit more than 70, but I have seen one with that amount. So we will see what happens. I don't want to use my savings, as I am already almost 3000 down (deposit+rent+sofa+kitchen table+all small things that I have needed so far). Since I am going to get the deposit back when I move (don't intend to break anything) I think I can calculate that out. So I am not that much behind. But I don't intend to live from my savings, so I have budgeted my expenses to cover multiple months. 

Also I am thinking of having house warming party... I already know what I am going to ask: food and other items I often use like detergant and soap. I have enough paper, so no need to ask that. Now I am just rambling, so I know it is time to stop.

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