I wanted to see this as soon as I heard it was being made. Well at first I did not know it was a musical. In the end it didn't matter as it is not a deal breaker for me. So about the movie. I loved how it showed the original story and not the Hollywood version. Of course it was a bit of a mix and match with the stories, but it all was woven together well. If you are not into updated stories, then you might want to skip this one. Also if you are not into musical, then skip this one.
Now, I did not like some parts of it. Mostly there were some parts in the last 20 minutes, that were a bit off with me. All in all I do recommend this one. Even I enjoyed it, although I had some expectations before seeing it. And as I have told before, the movies do not bare well with my expectations. So I think we can give an extra plus for that.
I think this movie will work best on the big screen, but if you have a good home theater then you might enjoy the music at home too. This is not for the smallest of children I think. Or then I am too old and can't see it as children would. Not a must see, but enjoyable none the less.
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