Thursday, September 03, 2015

Minions (2015)

Not my first pick, but went with a friend so this is something we both wanted to see. For this I did pay the 12 euros (weekday after five pm). Not quite worth it in my opinion. This is what'ya call feel good movie. Good for families and stuff. I do feel that the movie has not reached it full potential if you don't think it was worth the ticket you paid. 

I am not quite sure what I think of this, as an origin movie. Maybe it is that I really never have liked minions that much, or maybe I have liked them too much, that I didn't really enjoy the movie. Well I did enjoy at times, but then I was bored and just waited for the plot to move on. Or maybe I am too old for this type of movies... No, I think it is because these hasn't been a good horror movie in awhile. I've been seeing only these feel good or family friendly movies, so my standard has gone up. 

Need to watch something different soon, or stop going to the movies. With minions you definitely know what you are going to see. If you love'em, go see'em. 

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