Friday, September 04, 2015

Currently unemployed

Still unemployed. Last week I had three interviews, but they didn't pay out. But at least now I have been in more interviews than what I was while living up north. I've had four interviews since moving, and it has been about six months now. So quite good. Proves that it was the right decision to move. The jobs I've lately been applying are not quite the right fit, but it would have been customer service job. My friend got it, so I am eagerly waiting to hear if she enjoys it or not. 

I've been taking part in a project that improves job hunting, and I guess it has paid off. Haven't found my dream job yet, but maybe soon. I've been searching in Finland, but honestly I am open for any job. I just decided to try focus on one location more. I think I will soon start applying elsewhere as well. It would be so much easier if I knew for sure what I wanted to do. All I know for sure is that I want to have some adventure! 

So keep your fingers crossed that I will find something exiting!

LinkedIn is where you can find me, if you have a job offer...

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