Sunday, September 06, 2015

The wristband and unwanted surprise

The b-day gift that I got a while back, has proven to have one flaw. It has nickel in it. So I have to stop using it for a while until my allergic reaction goes away. Then I will put some nail polish on to the part that gave me the reaction. I just fiddled with the wristband, and I see that I can take the part out, so I can "paint" the whole thing and put it back once dry. 

Good news is that the patch with the skin irritation is not itching anymore. First when I saw it I turned the wristband so that the clock was on top of the rash. But then I came to the conclusion that I have to let the rash heal, and not let the nickel part touch my skin at all. Otherwise the rash would just keep on going and I do not want that. I am a bit surprised, as I would have thought that something like this would have been taken care of already. There are quite many people who are allergic to nickel. There are plenty of choices to avoid allergenic materials. 

Last time I got a reaction was, when I was wearing silver necklace and silver earrings. As you know silver has very little nickel in it if it is not the purest kind. Even the purest ones might have tiny traces in them (or that is what I have been told). So after that I didn't use any jewelry for awhile. Oh no wait! That was not the last time. The last time was when I wore jeans that were given to me. The button had nickel and my bellybutton had the rash! Nasty! That was just after several hours.

Now I wore the wristband almost a week before the rash appeared. Day and Night! So I have been good on keeping the nickel levels down. Lets just hope that I will be able to use the wristband after I have dealt with it. 

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