Monday, October 05, 2015

Beep, beep, beep

Fire alarm, you know!

Of course it starts beeping after nine. I was facing a bit of a challenge... I wasn't sure how I would get it off the ceiling. First chair I tried was no good. Luckily, the other chair was just a bit taller and it did the trick. Now I had my fingers around the fire alarm. Then I had to try to wiggle it off. 

I admit, I googled the thing (it is a brand fire alarm, so I googled instructions). It is funny how the thing I tried first but wasn't successful with it, was actually the correct thing to do. I seriously tried to take it off for five minutes. Then after reading the instructions, poof, it just came off. Come on! 

Now I need to buy some batteries and wonder how I will put it back. It was tricky already to take it down, and I think I might need a few more inches to get it back. I think I will put my shoes on... Luckily I hadn't gone to bed yet, otherwise I would be a lot more crankier. 

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