Thursday, September 24, 2015

Job interviews

So far I have had five job interviews since I moved here. So the decision to move has paid off. Now I just need to get the job. Oh, and I am having my sixth interview today. From one interview I am waiting for the results, they should come during this week, so lets keep fingers crossed. It would be only for 6 months, but it is better paid. The one that I am having today is at first for 6 months, but it might continue with the company (first is with rental company) or they might have other job opportunities for me. Win-win!

The salary is not that good, but it is better than nothing. It is almost as good as was in my last employment, but in my last employment I was underpaid. I just hope they will see my flexibility and see it as a big plus. Last Friday I had the previous interview, and here in Finland we had this silly little thing where almost whole country stood still. It was because the government decided to lower our benefits. The thing is that the changes would not apply to the government... So I hope that the interviewers saw it as I am willing to work, as I was able to get to the interview. 

Now I first missed the call (phone was silent), which I know is not a good sign. So couple of hours later I called back, after checking what the number is of course, and checking the rental company. I approved what I saw, so I called back (and not waited for them to call again). Also I am not in Tampere, but babysitting my niece and nephew (while my brother is out of the country and other reasons not discussed here) so an unexpected interview is not very handy for me. None the less I have agreed to come to Tampere to be interviewed for the position. See how flexible I am, you future possible workplace bosses! 

If I have understood correctly, both of these places have quite a quick starting schedule. Meaning I might have a job next month. I do hope I will be getting one of these two places. They both are multitasking jobs in an international company. So I do not have a preference, and I will be giving all my best at the interview. 

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