Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I have been cooking

I say cooking when its something salty and baking when its something sweet.

So the other day I decided to try to do the traditional Karelian pastries. The problem with that is, that most people who gave me hints, were not referring to the traditional Karelian pastries but to rice pastries. Believe you me, there is a huge difference. The name is protected and you can't call anything else but the real thing Karelian. The other stuff is rice, potato, carrot, etc. pastry.

Also I think I need to mention, that I actually have done these before with BOTH of my grandmothers. So I know how to do them, but it just has been a long, long, long time since I have done them. I think I was a small child back when was the last time we did huge amount of Karelian pastries. You ONLY use rye flour when doing the skins. I heard that my friends had problems with that, as it was sticky. Well I didn't have that problem :P

I might say, that I had a secret weapon. I actually am Karelian and have done these before. So it probably was from my backbone that I knew what to do. I did follow instructions, as I didn't remember everything. I promise next time I am doing them I will post pic so you will know what I am talking about. So far doing the skins is the best thing for me. Putting the porridge in is not that bad either, but if it is too hot you can burn your fingers.

Anyways just thought that I need to share this with you. I will accept ideas on what to cook/bake next.

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