Like I wrote yesterday, I have been having some trouble sleeping. Now last night was no different. It was pretty normal to me I would say. So at one point (for reasons I am not going to talk about here) I started to think what I would write here. One topic has been on my mind for quite some time, but I just haven't been able to start writing about it. So last night when nothing else seemed to help, I decided to organize my idea about dreams.
I have decided to write few posts about it. Now I know what normal dreams are, but that's not what I am going to write about. These dreams are a mix of reality, future and something bad. Now if someone says that you can't dream about future, they are wrong. Hello!! Its called dreaming... You can do anything you want in dreams. I have dreamed about future about what it would be like to be grown up (I was a child at that time), what would a new job be like, what kind of a first day of school would I have... etc. You know the normal stuff. (Hadn't planned quite putting this here already, but I think it is best that I state that now.)
For reason again not explained here, I have had periods where I have not seen dreams. But like one of my teachers once said, Everybody dreams. We just don't remember them. I would like to believe that my subconscious has decided for me not to remember. I remember that I have gone to bed closed my eyes and then opened them, to see that it is morning. Nothing in between. Felt like a split of a second and I slept 8-9 hours. That was normal to me too. Well it didn't used to be normal, but I just figured that it was part of growing up.
When I was a child (not in school) I used to have very vivid dreams and a vivid imagination. One might say that one never looses imagination. I would say they are wrong. Well not totally wrong, but wrong still.
So this is what had been on my mind last night, and I was hell set to write about this (during the night). When I woke up, I decided to write something else. (Come on, dreams... Who likes to hear about them?) Also I know that this blog doesn't have that many readers, so it's okey for me to write almost anything here. Few of my relatives has a link here, but usually if I haven't written in few months they forget about this. Still they might remember and come check this out. So you see my dilemma.
Well today after reading my friends blog, it all makes sense now. I have to write about this. In a way I hope it will help her (see the light as I found the batteries). It still feels amazing how she wrote something that I have just been thinking (well not literally, because that would have been either awesome or totally creepy). Not telling what blog I mean as it none of your business. But let me just say I was happy working at home so no one saw my reaction.
Now I think I have written enough for this entry. I might write more later. This is kind of introduction to the subject. Next will be the first, then the middle and last will be about last xmas. I might delete or hide these posts later. But now I'll post this... I promise...
Very brave my little pumpkin pie!! I am proud of you.