Friday, February 25, 2011

Laundry and stuff

Yesterday I did some laundry for my brother. Still some clothes that smell a bit funny from the fire. I don't mind doing it. At least it is something else to do than sit in front of computer. Now that I have been able to wake up before noon (thanks to a friend), I have been able to do more stuff in the evening.

I even washed two of my carpets yesterday. I have also joined a gym. This is purely to get me out of home once in a while. I really nee to get a life, where I go places. Well having said that, next two months I don't have a free weekend at all. I have booked them all.  I will go see my granny and do some baking there, will see a friend of mine and do some baking there, will attend my nieces b-days (week apart) and do some baking for them and I will also go see my other friends new home (no baking there).

Now, I am not a good baker or cook. I just don't have any bias towards anything new to do. This is why I am usually asked to help on baking. I have done wheat free stuff as well as sugar free stuff. Sometimes the bakings work out to be great and sometimes they suck. Ce la vie.

There is not much point to this post. :) Just wanted to post something so that you'll have something to read about.

Oh, yeah almost forgot to mention. Travel bug has been biting me really hard and I have started to plan my travels. I would love to go visit Pensacola again and see San Fransisco (nothing to do with the fact, that I am watching Charmed at the moment). I would also like to see Vancouver. I am not sure if I can combine these into one trip. At least I can always dream about traveling. The airplanes, the hotels, the atmosphere :)) 

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