My sister has this habit of finding an interesting book series and not wanting it while it is hot. Then after a few years she says " I want to have it as a bday present" etc. So usually I am able to find the last books of the series quite easily or she has bought them already from local bookstore. The hunt begins when I can't find what I want from my usual online bookstore.
Now I know you'll be thinking why I just don't go to ebay and buy one there. As usually you can find almost anything from there. I would actually do so, unless my sister hadn't said that she would like the book to be in Finnish... So not so easy to find the books now.
Why I am writing about this now is because I was able to find this website where you can change something that you own to something that you want or then you can buy it. Well I found one of those books that I want from there. Now I have that book waiting for me in the post office :)) Oh, joy!
The other book is far more difficult. I haven't been able to find it online, so I need to look for it from these old bookstores... that sell old books. You know what I mean, right? The book itself is not that old. The edition that my sister wants was released in 2005. So no wonder no one wants to give the book up. I can find the book in paper pack version, but that is not the version that my sister wants. Oh, boy!
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