I do support for living... So if the site says that we give support in English and Finnish, then why oh why do people send support requests in French, Dutch, German, Russian [Cyrillic!], etc!! Today alone I have had many requests like this. Some I understand (weird huh ;) ) but I still need to translate them into English before I can reply. If I am feeling really annoyed I reply back in English. Even though I know that they'll probably reply back with " I don't understand English!" in their native language. (Still most of them do.)
That has been my pet peeve(?) today.
I have been searching for tickets to London (Brighton) for Easter, as my friend has a b-day party there. It has not been easy, and it seems that I will need to go with extra landing on my way there. The outbound flight would be HEL-CPH-LHR, but inbound would be a direct flight back. Now I am not sure if I should take that or not. Unfortunately I do not have too much time to decided. I could take a direct flight with easyjet, but then I would need to pay almost 300 euros (with luggage), and that price is what I would get with Finnair normally. I need to check if SAS also takes money for the luggage's or not. If they do, than I fly with Finnair, and if not then I will take the cheapest one (aka W/ SAS Hel-Cph-Lhr).
So now I need to find a nice present for my friend. Also need to check other flights before or after Easter, if I am not able to make it to the bday party. (To which I would love to go to.)
On another note. This morning I drank an energy drink (felt a bit tired). So I have been fidgeting in front of my computer the whole day. (Lots of extra energy, but change to burn it.) Also now I am starting to feel tired again... It might be because lately I have gone to bed after 2 am. Sometimes I fall asleep around 5 am... I have tried to go to bed earlier, but that results me waking up in the middle of the night wide awake. Then falling asleep again after 5 am. I also made a promise to a friend that I will send few applications out to find a new job. The current one will be the end of me if I continue this too long.
You can clearly see that I have drank energy drink today. The post is jumping from one subject to another... Not really making any sense (it took me awhile to write this one too). But I thought that better to write something now, than write "oops, it's been a long time since last post" in next June.
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