Thursday, February 10, 2011

More dreams

This one I had also when I was a teenager, not living at home anymore so I have been 16 or 17.

In my dream I was in a room with other people. The room was a living room. There was a long table, this old rocking chair (wider then normal ones) paintings in the wall... It was a wake (after funeral, you know) that I was attending. I remember sitting next to my aunt (from mothers side) and opposite me was a man I knew and a man I didn't know.

I got the feeling that I was dreaming and that this was a special dream. I stared at my food (soup) and listened while the two man were talking. They didn't know each other ether. They were talking about the area we were and about what good tourist would do to the area. It was so weird just listen to them. I noticed that there were other people in the room as well, and they were talking too. I didn't quite understand what they were talking, nor did I know whose funeral I was attending.

It was also very strange for me to be somewhere with this aunt. I hadn't seen her in many years and it was very unlikely for us to be in the same place. Especially as I didn't see other relatives there. Still I wasn't panicking, I just started at my food. After awhile I turned to my aunt and said that this is a dream.

The next day at school I told my friend about this dream and didn't think about it since. The reason why I am writing about this dream, is that the following summer my great uncle died. I went to his funeral, being the only one from our family (mom and sis weren't nearby) to take part. There weren't very many people there, my aunts and uncle and grandmother.

The place where the wake was held was my granny's old home (where she grew up). That was the place were this dream happened. The man I knew was a man one of my aunts was dating. The man I didn't knew was the priest. I had my aunt sitting next to me (not the one who was dating the guy). I almost lost it when the priest and aunt's boyfriend started to talk about the economy and tourists. I just held my head down and started my food. After a while I told my aunt that I had seen a dream about this few months earlier.

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