My first dream that I really could remember that had an influence on me is the subject on this post. When I saw it I have been really young, maybe 3 or 4. And I still do remember the dream.
I remember that in the dream we were living in a house (not in the farm with grandparents), just our family of four (at that age I was not aware of that I had a brother, or maybe I was but didn't really understand it). It was a nice house, bedrooms upstairs, kitchen and living room downstairs. This very old clock near a door. Then one day a fire started in the house. I was in the living room with my sister. My mom was in the kitchen and dad was out working or something. Then suddenly there was flames everywhere and my mom comes and crabs my sister and runs out. When she is running out I yell her to save me too. She turns and closes the door and leaves me behind trapped in the burning building.
I am there just watching the flames eat up the place and watch the time go by from the big clock. I am yelling and I am scared. I have no idea on how to get out and the fire is getting worse and worse (I do not feel the heat, probably because at the time I don't know what the flames feel like). Then suddenly the door opens up and my dad rushes in and takes me to the safety.
Now some of you know what the relationship between me and my family is. Somehow I have known from the very young that there is no way I can trust my mom. Now don't get me wrong, I have trusted her and done what she says, but now as adult this dream speaks loud and clear. I remember telling this dream when I was young and talking about it later as well. Usually people didn't even listen to me, as I was so young. Just another nightmare they'd say. Well it is a dream I admit that. I believe I must have heard them fight or something and she probably has ran out and he was left behind. Then at one point he probably came in to check that we were sleeping.
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