Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The last entry about dreams

You might remember that I mentioned a while back that I was helping my brother by babysitting while they renovate their new home. This meant that after I had done full day of work I jumped into a bus and watched my niece and nephew for 5 hours and on weekends 10-12 hours. This routine was up for almost four weeks. I did have a weekend off and also one Friday so it was not nonstop. Now don't get me wrong  I was happy to help, so I am not complaining but you just will need to understand the circumstances.

So every bus ride that I had, I had my phone/music player blasting music into my ears. Kind of zoned off, just keeping in my mind that when I see the traffic lights, I need to get off the bus. Usually I let my mind go where ever it wanted to go, kind of day dreaming one might say. This theme rose up:

There was a fire in my brothers new home. I could see the flames, but they were kind of added later. I just saw the fire place  and its surroundings flame up. (I had never been there or seen pics, but I had been described what it looks like. I just new that it was my brothers place, even though I didn't see any markers of this.) 

I also was in my brothers old kitchen which had changed a bit. There was a smaller table with long chair (many people could sit on it... don't know how to described it) and at the table there was my sister-in-law's dad sitting there. I remember telling him that he is dead (he really is) and that this is not real. Even though he didn't say much I knew that someone was dead. Then I closed my eyes and suddenly was back at their old kitchen but it was the same (no changes). I flickered through few "realities" in which the life was mostly similar but a bit different. I remember that I was trying to find back to the real "reality". My marker for that was that he was dead and she was still alive. 

After my brother moved into their new home I watched the kids over there. This time couple of times the kids had gone to bed, I noticed that I was imagining what the place would look like if it was burned. I remember walking past the fire place and just thinking how black everything would look like. In my dreams the same theme continued:

I could see the fire much more vividly, but still it was kind of added later effect. I didn't see anyone get hurt, I actually didn't see anyone but only the room where the fireplace was.

In my dreams I talked to him more. He said that I should warn about the fire, and he was frustrated that I didn't do anything. (While day dreaming, I always said "this is just my imagination".) One time when I was flipping through the worlds I stopped at one world where I saw her. I started to talk to her telling how glad I was to be at home again. Then I noticed him at the table again. I then said to him, that "I got the wrong world again". He replied to me that I got the right one, that I am the only one that could see him. She was just watching me and wanted to know who I was talking to. I just didn't want to get involved. 

She is the one that was dead in some of my dreams. He wanted me to warn her.

These dreams started about the same time as I started babysitting. I would assume that this is partly why I saw him. The nature of my dreams can be explained by my taste in movies and series. I love scifi, horror and fantasy genres. One thing that can't be explained is the fire. I usually do not dream of fire, and these dreams really didn't make me feel very well. All I know is that the dreams stopped after there was a fire in my brother's new home. All the walls were black (saw pics), the whole house didn't burn down. Most of the damages were in one part of the house. She did return to the burning building to get her mobile phone (learned this later).

Lets just say that I have been a bit freaked out by this. To top it all, at the moment their kitchen table is very similar to the one in my dreams. I never said anything about this to them before the fire. I thought I would say something after the fire, but how do you tell someone that you have just been seeing nightmares of their house burning. First they had the stress of moving and renovating, then the stress of loosing everything, and now the stress of building it back. I do not want to stress them more. Also I do not want that the men in white jackets come and get me.

Now this is it. After this I will continue posting stuff of no meaning.

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