I have been reading some books that my friend loaned me. I also have her Charmed dvd box. Awaiting for me to start watching it. I think I will plug my TV for that. It is much more nicer to watch few hours of Charmed from sofa than it is from not that comfy chair. I know that I usually watch movies from my computer (I have a lot of DVD's according to some, not so much according to me. Only half of my other bookshelf is full, and it is not a big bookshelf.) as it has better audio. My TV is a bit out dated. It is one of those big TV's, those old ones. It was cheap when I got it. The flat screens were way to expensive for me.
I would love to have a new TV, but so would I love to have dozens of other new things. As I don't watch that much TV anyway, I think the new TV can wait. Hmmm... I am not addicted to TV even though I seem to be talking about it a lot.
Something new: I have started tweeting. And no, I will not tell you how you can find me. If you find me, just say I read your blog or something :) Nowadays stalking has been made way too easy. That is one reason why I have been hesitant to start tweeting, but when my friend asked me to join, I did it. Now I have not been worried that someone would start stalking me. But it is just the idea that what ever you write can be accessed by everyone. Thousands of young and not so young people follow celebs and hang on their every word...
There is just something about that, that makes my feel very worried. Oh, well that is the way of today. Maybe one day we all will have chips inside us and we can follow our movements from the internet. :P
Now that's something to think about.
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