This is a blog. About me. If you need more description, read the blog.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
What have I been up to today
Today we then started the day by vacuuming and taking the mats out. Of course my niece took all the credit about this cleaning adventure. Then she decided that she wanted to go out. Which is not bad, don't get me wrong, but she is coming down with the flue so she should take it easy. Especially now that she has been traveling the whole day and was here after midnight... Oh well, I did try to make her stay by saying that we would bake (which usually works), but this time she was adamant that she wanted to go out. So out we went.
So after a while I came in as I had started to bake another batch of xmas pastries (she was still out with her dad). While me and my sis were doing that I decided that I am going to bake some xmas associated cookies as well. Shortening a long story: when my sis and her hubby went to eat their wedding day lunch (few weeks later after the date), my niece started to ask how she could help me... I tried to be hard first and told her that she had said that she hadn't wanted to help me when I had asked for it. But in the end I caved and let her help me. Of course I had to allow my nephew to help me too... Which was more let me slam this little piece of badder to the table and lean over my sis to see what she is doing and really not helping at all. But at least he was happy about it.
After we had baked everything, we started to decorate my place. This is because my niece told me that my place was ok, all it needed was the xmas decorations and the xmas tree... So first we put all the decorations that I had bought yesterday in their own places. (As I usually do not have any decorations, I had to buy stuff for this xmas.) So I asked my niece and nephew where the stuff should go and we put them in their places. The only thing that I had put few hours before with my sis was the lights in the kitchen window. After we had done this my niece looked at me and said "now this almost perfect. Only thing missing is the Xmas tree!" ...
So when my sisters hubby said that he was going for last minute shopping, I was going with him. As you can see from the pic below, I bought a xmas tree... There is a plant behind it so that's why it looks funny. Pics are all from my phone, so quality is what it is. The decorations stuff that you see is all new. The day old decorations stuff pics didn't upload at all... Basically there are elfs and angels in my walls and windows.
I did this! |
I like candles! |
Xmas is coming and my niece said to me that my flat would be perfect if it had some Xmas decorations... So I had do something! |
Cinnamon S and Aunt Hanna's cakes. (The names of those things) |
Tilt your head and you will see my Xmas tree... I heard from my niece that it was a bit tiny... |
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
My journey home
I visited her grave before I left for home. After having driven the whole day before it really felt tiering to drive the three hour journey. My hand hurt and it was hard to find good music to listen to. There were mostly independence day stuff on the radio. I had already planned what I would do when I got home, and now I had the feeling that I am missing stuff. You know when you plan to do something and for some reason you do not need to do it and you have been thinking about it alot so when you don't do it you still feel like you need to do it.
Anyways, I was in luck when I got home. There weren't that much snow in the parking lot so I was able to get my car in my slot without having to do any snow work. Now my home is full with bags and boxes. I have some stuff going to a friend of mine (baby stuff) and some stuff going to my brother (heritage stuff and xmas presents). Some are mine and some are books that we are going to share with my sister.
I am a bit tired as I have been away for three weeks. Also because of that there was no food here so I had to buy some from ABC. I will be going to the grocery store later today to pick up more stuff. I know I will be away for the weekend, but most of the food will be good after that too so I really need to fill my fridge up.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
What a day!
When we left Tornio it started snowing and it snowed all the way to Oulu. This meant that I was more late. Luckily the weather was good since and I was able to drive to Pyhäjärvi without further delay. There I decided to put my navigator on and noticed that it wasn't working. Wondered why for a while until I noticed that the car charger for navigator was broken. This meant that I had to find a new way to pieksamaki. Luckily I was able to use my phones navi. It was still problematic and delayed me even further.
I had about an hours drive left when I heard this loud noice. It turned out that the clutch had broken down. I wasn't able to change the gear well. I was able to use gears two and five. I was able to get in pieksamaki but now I am stuck in here. Sisters hubbie is going to bring my car here but it will take some time. Also he has to work tomorrow so I am worried if he gets too tired.
Mondays! Blaah I tell ya, Blaah!
Thursday, December 01, 2011
it hurts!
// Now I am home and I might start taking the painkillers tomorrow. I noticed that the pain came back because I stopped knitting. Baking and knitting helps... So I might need to start knitting.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I was still waiting for the car to melt when my sister arrived. She had driven back as fast as she dared so that she would get the keys. Her teacher had kept the lessons together and let them still get off earlier than they should have. So she had time to come home to pick up the keys. The only problem was that I was supposed to be on my way already. Well as you have it my sister got home in time and helped me with the car which started melting pretty fast after my sister arrived.
Also on Monday I saw from the internet that I was accepted to the Master's studies. I didn't have that high hopes for it, as there were quite many skillful applicants. So I was very pleased to see that I got in.
Also I met my mother yesterday. The surprising part is that I met her and wasn't too angsty afterwards. Really! Usually I am boiling with anger. It only takes that someone mentions her name and I am boiling.
Also something that I didn't believe to happen is going to happen this week. But no more of that as I promised not to say anything about it.
Oh, and almost forgot. Our friend got a baby boy very early today. We (my sis and I) were really surprised about this as to our knowledge she had her tubes tide 7-8 months ago... We calculated that she has to have been pregnant by the time she did that. But the doctor didn't say anything about it. I bet they just tied her tubes and did not take the uterus, what is what she probably thought that they had done...
So this so far already has been an astonishing week. Can't wait to see what the weekend will bring.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
So my sister just said that she can come whenever but after school we won't be here. I was trying to understand and asked that if she comes tomorrow you won't be here? And she got mad at me! Now she is not talking to me at all. She asks her hubby or child to do something that I could do and they have to do extra for it. That just pisses me off, that she can't just say directly. And I am supposed to be here for two more weeks. I tried to explain her what I meant but she just walked away. That is her style. When she gets mad she just walks away and doesn't even try to solve things untill she has made the counterpart mad as well. Then she can blame the other one of not wanting to solve things.
I am now downstairs because I just couldn't be up there. Fine be mad, but this just teaches me that I can't say anything to you because you get mad. GRRRRR.
So if I get in to the school I really need to work in the morning so I will be able to study at night. I was told that it would take at least 20 hours per week to do the study. That is about what my sister spends at school at the moment. So not too bad. But if I don't get in the school I don't mind either. It won't give me anything added bonuses at the moment. Also I am not sure if it would even help me to get a new job. We will see. But for now I think I will stay here for at least so long that I have done my studies.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Entrance interview
I think I did make an impression so I hope I scored good points. My sis came out of her class just few minutes after I had finished my interview. Which is good because I don't think I would have been able to talk if I would have seen her smurking behind the windows.
Now I will have to wait till the 28th of this month to hear if I made it or not. It might be that they won't release the names online and then I have to wait till 8th of December to know... Oh well. That reminds me that I need to send text to my sister in law and my friend in Tampere. BRB (or not).
One part done
I have done my written exam now. I was surprised to hear that it was only 1,5 hours instead of 3,5 hours. Oh well no biggies. Now I am waiting for the interview. I just heard evesdropped that there are 43 applicants and 20-22 are accepted. So my chances to get in are 50-50..
Also i hear that the interview is more just to check if you understand English and if others understand you. Hmmm. .. I am a bit worried about my written test, so here's for hoping that I can fix that in th interview.
I already got to know one girl who luckily is not in my group as I think she has a pretty good language skills. We didn't speak in English, but in Finnish. But she has lived quite a bit abroad.
45 mins and then is my turn. It's funny that few people are talking in Finnish, even though they probably should speak English. It is better to practice some English before the interview imo.
I also heard that there will be a new program starting next fall. So if I don't get in now, I can apply again in few months. Now I am going to check my Facebook and twitter.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Entrance exam
Decided not to panic tough. I am just going to take with me the stuff that I am not able to here. Also I need to check my mail before I leave and it comes usually pretty late. Then I will go see my granny's old neighbour. It will only make 50 km detour, but when I am travelling 700 km it is not that much. It also would be the route that I would normally make (when I would have stopped at my granny's).
Then tomorrow at noon it will start. First the written test and then the interview after. It was said that it could take up to five hours the whole ordeal. I think I need to ask my sis that what time she will have to be at school. So we might take the same car. I heard that there is not that much space, so it would be better if we take one car. So I wouldn't get a ticket for parking wrong.
But yeah, I might be just a little bit nervous. If I get to the school it means that I will start my master's studies. After few years I should be graduating... The study would be mostly self study and through the internet (as I think I mentioned earlier). I just hope that I will have the stamina to do the work and study at the same time.
Monday, November 14, 2011
This weekend
1. They've been talking how the channel is dead for four months now
2. First it was a day of no posts that some one asked where is everyone and now it is like four days and no one has posted anything
3. They've said that it has taken time to watch all videos when they have missed few days to a week or two... (well try watching four months of worth...)(So thanks for not posting too much).
((Side note: Sun is shining!!)(Enjoying it now as soon it will be dark again)
Forgot what I was about to write about SSC. Just that MIB used to say Connecticut quite a lot. So I tried to say it... I sounded like japanese. So I had to listen few posts few times just to hear how it is said. So now I just need to remember that Connect-I-Cut is said CönneDiCut :))
Umm, I had other things in my mind as well, but now I forgot them too. I blame the sun which is going away behind the clouds now. :/
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
The reason why she was able to go shopping was that my nephew had been sick and was really energic today. So she wanted to take him somewhere to get rid of that energy. So shopping we went. I bought a plate for my friend as Xmas gift. I had already bought a matching mug for her Bday, so this was very fitting (the plate).
Then we came to my place for some tea and some resting for my nephew. They left just after four so she would be able to cook for her family.
So for the nights plan... I have been waiting for her to call (as she said she would) for the ever since. I also send her a text about if I would bring the stuff tonight or not. Well she hasn't replied to that one either. Now it is so late that I am not going to go. Tomorrow I am going to do my laundry and go to the gym for the first time in months...
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
TinTin 3D
The 3D part of the movie was great. No complains about that. But still I had this feeling like I was just a bit disappointed. It might be that I had too high hopes for it so the movie and my hopes didn't quite meet. Still I would say that it is a good movie and I would recommend you to see it in big screen (but probably not from the first two rows...)(Yep we sat there). Also I am sure that the movie will be fine in 2D as well, so do not feel left out if you have no access to 3D movie.
Oh and one thing that bugged me good was the wrong names. Milou (the dog) was called Snow... I understand that some names are changed from the original to correspond the country names where the book is published, but when we are talking about movies, I would rather have the original names!
Friday, November 04, 2011
If we would give stuff away all the time I would be unemployed in a heart beat! I hated when people think that they can behave like savages, like animals when they are not face to face with someone. I bet you anything that most of the clients that I deal with are in normal life nice and well behaved people. It is just the online stuff that makes them forget that there are people on the other end as well! GRRRRR!
I need to went this out here, so that I won't snap to clients...
The three musketeers
I liked the explosions and the fight scenes. Luckily there weren't too many of the other scenes (you with talking). Had I not seen other musketeer movies this would probably score higher. I am a bit puritanist when it comes to the movies I like. I don't like to see the remakes making big mistakes. If they do the mistakes they better be really really far off and probably have nothing from the original. Better yet, be a totally new movie.
I want to go see TinTin 3D... But there is a problem. I do like TinTin as I have read and watched it all my life. So now when I go see the movie, will it ruin the whole thing for me? But now back to the musketeers. I love Milla Jovovich and have probably seen all movies that she is in. It's just becoming a bit obvious what kind of a role she is playing even before you start watching the movie. It's like they don't give her any other kind of roles. It is getting a bit boring... Also I think that the star of Orlando Bloom is going down as now he is just in the supporting role. No more lead roles for him? Too bad, IMO.
When I saw the movie I thought the Bloom would have had more face time. It was like Thin red line all over again with Clooney. (Well at least here it was advertised as a Clooney movie...) It is not fair. When I see trailer that says that so and so is in the movie, I usually go see the so and so. Horror movies are the ones that I go see because they are Horror movies.
Something new
Few days ago I got news that the will of my Granny will be read just day after my exam. I kind of wanted to go there to see the show (I bet there will be some kind of a show)(I am not sure if they would understand if I would bring popcorn with me). Anyway now that the two are so close to each other, I am thinking that I will not go to the reading of the will. It depends if my sister will want to go, but I am too tired to drive by myself. Our mom is not going to go either, or that is what she said. My brother said he would go, so we will have at least one person from our family there. Now only if I could make him take a video cam with him... (I am so sure we could get some youtube material from there).
Anyways, I hope that the ordeal will go swiftly and that no one will start fighting (having said that it of course will be me... all though there is nothing that I want). That would have been what my granny wanted. No fighting over her will. I heard that she had said that there will be surprises and some who wait to receive something will not receive anything. For the record I can say that when my granny asked me what I wanted I said I want nothing but time. It was a joke between us that I didn't go there to see her I went there to see her fridge and freezer. Oh, the good times.
Just got a text from my mom that she is going to go there...
Friday, October 21, 2011
So not my day!
Thursday morning I woke up and did some work. Nothing not normal about it. My sis called and asked the information she needed to do my job for few hours. This is so that I would be able to leave work a bit earlier.
First I went to fill up my tank. I noticed that my car took a lot of gas (9l/100km). I wasn't too worried about it but it wasn't a good sign. Next my sister called about a problem that forced me to go back home. When I was leaving the parking lot i saw that a van was coming (reversing) from a space ahead. So instead of driving under the van I decided to wait for it to go... The van almost ran over me! I had to beep my horn for several seconds before they stopped reversing and they came only inches away from my bumper. What you need to know is that had they hit me, they would have had to pay me. I didn't need to let them go first but I was nice and didn't want them to hit me.
Then when I got home I accidentally left my phone in the car. Then @ the computer I noticed that I would have to inform my sis about an issue... Of course she was nowhere near computer so she didn't receive any of my messages to come to msn. From my car I called her and snapped about not being at her computer. It really was not her fault.
Then when I was driving I saw many stupid people driving like crazy and doing stupid passes (?). Also I had to use my brakes more than once because someone decided to come infront of me from a crossing. Twice it was a big truck.
I am not proud to say but I also did one stupid pass of big truck and twice I had to abort the passing. (sorry, sending this from my phone and can't think of other word for passing another car.)
Also when I filled up my tank in Pulkkila I didn't get my blouses and it was really expensive :-( I really thought that I was not meant to come here on Thursday.
I am just counting my blessings as nothing really happened. No car hit me, my car didn't break down, I had enough money to buy gas and because I went home, I was able to pick my tomtom with me.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hidden Deep
You might say that it is not being picky if I go see a movie based on a commercial alone. But Ney, You see that usually if I hear the commercial my reaction is that I definately do Not want to go see that. So in this case I was like hmmm that sounds interesting.
The movie is a drama/thriller. I think that in this case they should have left the drama out and gone with the thriller. It indeed was thrilling. If they would have changed the ending it might have even been a semi good horror movie. Only thing that sucked big time was that the actors were pretty much the same as they always are. This is the problem with small country and small film industry. Directors use the same film crew and the movie just changes... It is not good when I usually then just see the actors acting and not the movie.
Any ways, the movie was thrilling and surprising. Iwould say that it was best to go see that in the movie theather, I am not so sure if it will be as good from tv. Nevertheless I am not sorry for paying to see the movie, though I wouldn't have mind the ticket to be a bit cheaper either. I think I will recommend people to rent the movie...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Woolly hats! |
Woolly socks! |
Mittens for baby |
Day Watch
I think this had a bit more romantic feeling in it, even though it otherwise was quite dark. I was laughing to few scenes where there were basic American movie things. (You should know when you see them what I am talking about) (aka can be found in many movies.) I definitely recommend watching these both movies. Specially so that you will watch them back to back. If you have too much time in between something might be lost.
This time I did not have any problem with the Russian language (as I was expecting it already) and was able to get into the movie from the beginning. This was solid 4/5 star movie (not that I rate the movies that I watch). There were few surprising turns that the movie took, and some that I expected to happen. Overall I don't mind if I will have to watch these movies again.
I am actually quite pleased with the level of story telling and filming that I think I might start looking for more Russian movies.
Night Watch
So I was eager to see the movie, as I had high hopes for it. My first surprise was that the movie is Russian (some how I had thought it was American, as it did fit the style). Well this did not stop me, and I continued watching it. After the first shock of language, I got used to it and really got into the movie. I was a bit slow I would say. I had hoped it to me a bit more faster, but having said that it was not too slow. I liked how, even though it is fantasy movie, it didn't have too much vampire this someone else that, but it let them be who they are. The story was the point more than the creatures.
I wouldn't recommend the movie to be watched if you do not like subtitles. My motto is to watch the movie in its original language and read the subtitles, just because the falseness of the wrong language used might spoil the whole movie experience. Trust me, I have seen German and Chinese movie spoken in English and I just could not get over it. (I rented those movies and I thought that they weren't dubbed...)
Friday, October 14, 2011
My electric company
Well when I opened the letter I noticed that it actually was not a bill. This meant that I would have to call them and ask them about the bill. (I just love it when I have to spend money to get a bill.) So I called and informed that I hadn't received the bill yet and I would like to pay it now. Then the rep. said that oh, you won't be receiveing the bill as you have already been changed to pay-what-you-use-per-month system and the bills will be coming every three months instead of every month.
I was a bit surprised about it. She then told me that I had been changed to the new system in September and I should have received a letter about it. I then told her that yes I did receive the letter... Today! That to me this was an event that was supposed to happen in the future not in the past. Oh well now I will just need to wait till December (or more likely January) untill I receive my electric bill. It will be a big bill because during the fall time we don't have that much sun light and it gets really really dark. :/ Allthough I have been paying extra during the summer, so maybe it won't be that high, but here's for hoping.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Well as it happens we weren't disappointed after the movie. Actually I said to my friend that I wouldn't have been disappointed even if I had paid the full price. The trailer of the movie was to me very bad. Because of it I thought that the movie would be worse than it was. Also I think Drive is one movie that you really should watch in the cinema, or then you have to have a home cinema thingy (you know the sound system).
To me first thing that came to my mind (and to my friends mind as well I was told later) was 80's. The text that was shown in the beginning and in the end were pink... You know like in the 80's! Also this movie reminded me of Taxi Driver (1976). If you liked the Taxi Driver, you definitely should check Drive. I am not promising that you would like it (it took me a while to get into it) but they are similar in away so I am pretty sure you would.
There is a good reason why the movie is not allowed under 18 years of age (there are few quite brutal scenes) (also that age is in Finland, not sure if it is case in other countries but I would assume so)(really, there were that brutal scenes). I liked the music in the movie. It really brought the movie together (imo). I do recommend it to all who like cars, Taxi Driver and blood. (Well there's not that much blood...)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Rental recommendation
First we watched Insidious (just in case) (we don't like to end the day by watching a sucky movie). The movie was made by the same people who made the Paranormal Activity. Let me just say that if this movie is anything like the PA, (which I think it is) I won't be watching PA anytime soon. I wan't to forget that I watched this so I can be let down by horror movie again.
It was more like a thriller, not horror movie. I got scared (well not scared scared, just jumped a bit) in one scene. That was it. So big no as a Horror movie, but I would recommend it as thriller. It was entertaining and it has a fresh idea compared to all the zombies and vampires that we have at the moment in almost all movies.
Then we ended the evening with Rio. It was very well made, even though there was few points where I said, "you don't do that in real life" (it was what the people did not animals). I am pretty sure I can tell you that it was basic happy end movie, where everyone got what they deserved. I liked it and laughed while watching it. So it was a good end for the evening.
Today we shall go see a movie in theater. (It is a bit cheaper to go today, hence we are going and not renting again).
Oh and the main point was left out! The whole point of this was that don't listen to what total stranger says is a good movie. Listen to someone you know has the same taste as you. Continued is the search of a good horror movie.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Trying the new interface
Yesterday I did some gardening with my sister in law. I just noticed that I need more clothes. I have like two jeans and gym gear... So need to buy pants that I can use while digging up stuff. Also I have planned to buy better jacket for the winter. What I have now is good for fall and spring but not good enough for winter. If I plan to stay out longer than 10 minutes I mean.
Also I have a list of stuff I can buy (Christmas presents). :)) That I think is something I am going to do next. Go shopping a bit... but just a bit. That reminds me, I need to buy food too. My friend is coming over tomorrow so I think I will need something that we can cook.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Keeping busy
Cowboys & Aliens
For this I think the two hours was a bit long. I enjoyed that this was nothing that I had seen before. It was somewhat refreshing to see something that hasn't been done millions of times. Basically there was nothing new, just basic alien movie. But still I did like the movie. I believed the story and that is what matters. Sometimes I get really annoyed with the actors as the carisma that they have comes through and it doesn't fit the character that they are playing. This time I am happy to say that I didn't have that problem.
Still I have to say that this movie is more to those who are into scifi, (well okey also if you are into westerns). It doesn't have very wide nieche/audience, which was shown also by the fact that our movie theather is now only showing it during the day. It came there, I think few weeks back...
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Weekend and stuff
On Sunday I got busy and did some fall cleaning. I was down on my knees cleaning the flower bench. Now my legs hurt..
I had a better idea of what to write and how to write it. Just now that I am actually writing the words are not coming out. Writers block or something like that... Oh anyways. Back to work.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Funny thing
Also the changing of her number has led to her having old numbers on her phone. She gave to my aunt a phone number to call my brother, but of course it was not in use. So my aunt called me and asked me to ask my brother to be one of the carriers in the funeral. And also ask if his dad and stepmom would come to the funeral. So basically she had cut all connection to my brother without even knowing she had done so!
Oh and I could tell you how much the funeral is going to suck, but because I promised myself not to get too worked out because of it, I won't. I am not taking part in the planning so I shouldn't complain about it.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
She has been a week in the hospital now. She has stopped eating, and the breathing is really difficult. A week ago I was told that she might have few months left. That she might see Christmas, but that was not very likely. Last Friday my mother (surprise surprise) called me and told that they now estimate it to be from hours to few days (mostly a week or so). She is fed through tube and she has been given nasal cannuals.
On Friday I heard that her DNR was reaffirmed from relatives. So now the waiting game is on. I really hope that she won't have to suffer for long. When I visited her with my brother last Saturday, she was taken into a room of one (she was in a room of three). This is the last part of the hospice care, to give peace.
More info: she is now barely breathing (no deep dreaths at all). So from now on I might be a bit jumpy when my phone rings...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday farewell
Her friend arrived at ten, and we all had something to drink before they left. I had promised the visitor that she can bring her dog here, as they would only do a short visit. I try to keep my appartment as free of animals as I can because I know so many allergic people. So now I need to vacuum my place from top to bottom, but it was worth it :) The dog was really nice and energic.
After they had left, I caved in and went to pick up some lunch from MacDonalds. I can't remember when was the last time I was there. But I just had to have some meat. I do love meat.
Monday shopping
After the movie we left for town as we had planned to make the shoppings during the last day. This went pretty well. First we went to Robinhood to check it out, and buy some warm clothes if they had any. (It is fall clothes season, so no winter gear normally yet.) We were in luck and they had some :) After that we went to Harbour to buy stuff from the handmade store.
After this we headed to Trio to do more shopping and show her camera, if it could be fixed. She had dropped it (well the bag broke and she didn't know it untill the camera dropped) on the pavement and the lense was popping out. Unfortunately the lense could not be fixed nor had the store anything that could fit the camera. This bummed my friend quite a lot and she didn't want to do anymore shopping. So we went to pick up my parcel and dropped off the movies that we had rented the day before.
As we had already made plans to meet a friend of hers, we had to go back to my appartment for a while before heading back to Trio. There we spent few hours in Robert's Coffee and did little bit shopping in H&M. She found the cardigan that she was looking for from there.
Then after we got back home she did a vegan meal for me. As she did it I called my sister because I had promised to help her with something. The meal was ready before I had finished with my sister. Then she waited for few seconds went to computer and snapped that the food is ready. Went back to the kitchen and put the food back to the oven... The food was fine, but I could read from her that she was pissed. From my point of view she snapped at nothing and there for had no reason to be pissed. If I have been cooking and see that someone is on the phone I keep the food warm and inform that the food is ready. Not so that I snap that food is ready BTW... and start then putting the food in the warm place. How would I know that the food is ready when she was the one cooking. I am not mind reader and I can't be sure what you are going to do next with the food.
Sunday movies
After that we watched one movie which was m'apelle Sophie. The only bad thing was that it didn't have english subtitles, so I had to translate her those parts where they talked French and some parts of English. The movie was about what happened in french jews in wwII. I was a bit surprised when my friend asked why did the children (and other jews as well) have stars in their clothes. She then explained that she didn't want to study any History in school (they could choose what to study) and the school had allowed her to do so. Anyway the movie was good. I do like historical movies even though they wouldn't be totally accurate (the historical things need to be accurate but the "nowaday" things don't need to be).
After the movie I did some BBQing and started to watch the second movie. The second movie was called Trust and it was about a young girl who meets a boy online. The boy then turns out to be a young man and eventually an old man. I liked it a lot as it will bring some awearenss to the problem. I would recommend a movie called Candy as well. (The pic in the front should be a girl in a red hood standing in a huge bear trap.)
Monday, September 12, 2011
Testing from my phone
Just testing how swype is working on my phone. So far so good. Just thinking that I won't be doing long posts with this. Takes way too long to write a sentence.
Just think how long it would take to write a whole blog! Swype is pretty cool as I am getting the hang of it now. Just had to download an application for blogger to really test it.
Trip to Helsinki
On Saturday we went to Helsinki. We did it so that I drove to Kerava (much closet to Helsinki) and left my car there (free) and then we took the train to Helsinki (5,90€). First we went to Kiasma and then Ateneum to check if they have any bookmarks as my friend wanted to by them as a gift.
Then we went to Fazer Cafe which is a very popular place among tourists (it is a bit too expensive for my taste, but as I haven't been there in a while it was okey place to be). Then from there we walked to Esplanade Park and from there to Harbour. As it was getting late we decided not to go to the Zoo (my friend had told me yesterday that there is no hope getting her up before 11 am (which in her time would be 9 am) so we did arrive a bit late to Helsinki.
Instead of the Zoo we went to Suomenlinna, which was also a boat trip away. I hadn't been there before, so it was nice for me to see something new aswell. We were there about an hour I think and then we came back. From Helsinki we went to Kerava and from there to Mäntsälä. We BBQ:ed at my friends place and then sang some SingStar. :)
Friday, September 09, 2011
Then as we started to feel abit hungry we went to find a place to eat. We drove to Trio Mall and left my car there. Then we walked through the city (not very big)(also basically we walked from one end to another end of a street) to go to the place that my cousin had recommended to us. We had some difficulty finding it as it was in the seconf floor and we were looking at the street level.
Anyways the food was vegan friendly and she was able to eat it. There was also an organic store which we browsed through. From there we then walked back to the Trio, when she noticed a new store that sold budda's and stuff. She found a very rare looking (she hadn't seen them before) Budda that she then decided to buy. We were in luck as the store would open tomorrow, but we were able to buy the budda already today.
From there we went to bookstore to buy few cards for her. I didn't find anything there.. .Can you believe it! Then we walked into Trio and went straight to the Organic store that they had there. After filling her snack inventory we left for Kärkkäinen. It is a big store with lots of gadget and trinckets in it. I found few things that I know I need. My friend also found lots of things :)) So basically this day turned into shopping spree after all.
We also went to Prisma to get some food (yes I have food, but we are going on a small trip tomorrow so we needed snacks) and we actually only bought some food :)
Yes tomorrow we are going to Korkeasaari Zoo. I promise to take my camera with me and take lots of pics and post them here. :)
The we first chatted a bit (she cleaned and I chatted ;) ) and made some cloe-minced meat thingy. Of course the main part of the evening was singing some SingStar :)) I have to say we were pretty good even though we hadn't practiced it alot. After signing an hour or two we watched a bit of telly. Then it was time for me to go to the airport.
The timing was perfect as I had just pulled in and was about to meet her when she walked out of the airport :) Then I drove back home and wasn't tired at all. It might be because of the coke I drank...
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Vegan stuff
Now I am searching for a vegan restaurant (well vegetarian is enough as I think they also serve vegan food). But sadly I haven't been able to find one yet. There are plenty in Helsinki, but I would have loved to see one in here as well. I have planned that we could go to Helsinki on Saturday, so we could eat there... It's just that if it is raining, I am not sure if we want to go or not.
Of course I could take her to my friends place... It could be interesting.
Oh what I was going to write, was that I think that vegan food is way too expensive... Or you have to be really rich to do it. I know that I can do some of the stuff myself. Sausage is one that I am not going to do by myself... Four little sausages was almost 4 euros! That is expensive believe me.
Friday, September 02, 2011
Movies watched last night
Limitless... I had such high hopes for it. I have to say that it was a bit "say what?" at times. But those blue eyes. Yammy. It could have been so much more, but it wasn't lousy movie don't get me wrong. It just had so much potential to be a really really great movie. I am not sure quite where they went wrong. Well they didn't go wrong per say. I just would have loved to see it going to another direction. Also it was 1h 40 min, (well 32 min without the credits) and it felt like over 2h movie.
Just friends was your basic romantic movie where the looser becomes not-a-looser and behaves like jerk but in the end gets the girl. So no brains needed. It was Ryan Reynolds movie, so plenty of eye candy there. This is great if you have been drinking the day before. So you can just lay in the sofa (or bed or floor) and let the movie wake you up or make you fall asleep again.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Movie last night
About the movie: It was 3D, which can be a bad thing in a movie. In this case it wasn't. I liked it. I would have to say that it is one of the best 3D movies that I have seen. Of course it has its limitations (animated 3Ds rock). One thing that I didn't like was when CA was running, you could see the animation. I bet they used a lot more animation in the movie that I noticed, but that one was one thing that I bet everyone noticed. Two hours is a bit too long for this type of a movie (imo) but it wasn't overly boring so the movie is forgiven.
I can't wait till they get the team together and see that movie! :))
Oh I would recommend this movie to those who like the comics (just so that they can dislike the movie after seeing it) and to those who like adventure movies. Age: well there is war, nazis, so it is not for the kids otherwise for all.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
BBQ and gaming
Anyways the point it is that I'm going BBQ! Yay! It's been a long time since I last did that. I know that I have a working one here, but it's just not the same to do it by yourself. You know what I mean. I prefer that there is at least one other person there, so I don't have to eat it all by myself :)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Movies tomorrow
Good company, as I am going there with a friend. Also the theater should be almost empty (no tickets sold yet) so there shouldn't be any annoying phone conversations during the movie. You'd be suprised how normal it is. Also some people text while they are there... Me no like. Allthough if the movie is really, _really_ boring, then I don't mind. As I might do it myself as well.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Things that annoy me
2. My sister when she is describing me how I look: "You know what was funny? To look at you when you looked so worried etc..." Fine I will never show my expressions to her ever again! I am not telling that she looks funny when she is worried or something. I know I have an expression because I was worried she as she was hurting. No need to diminsh it or talk about it. Grr.
3. I won't drink if you won't drink: Fine, then don't drink! I prefer my friends and family to not care about me not drinking. This is also a feature that my sister possesses. I drink when I want to, not when you want to. (I don't mind it.)
Grr, now I only can think of why she annoys me. She really is not that annoying, but now my mind is just looping.
4. I give support only to our software, so no I do not need to know why Windows is not working on your computer: Customers ask for help on stuff that I am not expert on, then they bitch about my advice! Soon I will not help anyone unless it is specifically related to our software. Do a good deed and get shit in return...
5. People who do not know how to unsubscribe: Really?!? You don't see the link that says click here to unsubscribe! How those few persons who do not know how to do it will make the most fuss and ruin my day (again trying to help and get shit in return).
Friday, August 26, 2011
Some pics of Solo
Solo during the winter time |
Waiting to get in |
Posing |
See the toy next to him.... He is waiting me to play with him. |
Where there is a sofa, there is Solo |
His favourite place :)) |
Thursday, August 25, 2011
He had a really good life and enjoyed playing with the kids. (My sister had another one while I was away.) My Sister got home in the Monday evening and had plans to get her youngest and Solo home from the grandparents. In the Tuesday morning her hubby called and told her that Solo had died (Granny had called him) during the night.
In the end it turned out that he had died already on Monday evening, but they didn't want to bother my sister and her hubby but give them some time together. At this point I have to tell you that when Solo wasn't house trained (most of the time he was but there was accidents) he had one place where he could go with out punishment (aka me asking who is a bad boy in loud voice) and that was the toilet/shower area. This is because it was really easy place to clean.
Why I mentioned this, is because you'll never guess where he went to rest for the last time. His favourite places was under a bed. No, he didn't go there. He loved to be around people. Nope he wasn't near anyone. You wan't me to tell you? Well, he went to the shower area... Always thinking of others. Yes I do believe that he knew what was coming. I am just happy that he died in peace.
Edit: Just few months ago I wrote about Solo the dog. Then I assumed that Solo would be with us a year or two. That didn't happen, but I am happy that he didn't have to suffer for the last few years he had.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Bulgaria vol 2
I had saved few leva's from my first trip, so on Sunday night we were able to buy water and a bit snacks. The reason why we didn't change the money at that point is, that it would be really expensive to change at the airport (1€=1,60 leva) or at the hotel (1€=1,85 leva). At the bank the rate is 1€=1,95 leva. The place where we changed money was a restaurant where the welcome meeting was held (1€=1,92 leva).
On Monday we changed the money and went shopping :) Of course we needed to do the most important part first! Also we went to eat at a restaurant for my sisters bday. On Tuesday we went to Varna to see some sights. It was a paid trip so we did not go there by ourselves. Also me and my sister had a bit sore throat but we just thought it was because of the a/c (we don't have one). On Wednesday me and my sister had more sore throat, a light fever and headache. Still we decided to go see the near by old monastery. After the monastery we had to go back to hotel as we needed some rest. In the evening we went to see Finnish karaoke.
There at one point of the evening they had a raft. The price was a bottle of wine or something. We were just kidding how proper it would be if I (who doesn't really drink any alcohol and who has really sore throat at the time) would win it. Of course I didn't think I really would win it. But who do you think won't it anyway... We really thought it was quite funny :))
On Thursday we rested some more and did a quick trip to the beach. Only a quick trip as I really didn't feel very good when the sun was shining. Our friend was coming down with the same thing as we had. After the beach we went back to the hotel to sleep and rest. In the evening we had this Bulgarian night thing that ended around 11pm. Let me just tell you that the entertainment was good, food was not so good and I was feeling sick.
On Friday morning our friend said that she had the same thing as we did with the sore throat and cough. We still decided to go to the final trip to Nesebar as most of the trip would include sitting in the bus. Making other people sick was not our concern as we had noticed that there were a lot of sick people there. So might have received the sickness from the airplane or from the hotel breakfast. When we started to come back from Nesebar, our friend really got sick. After few hours of rest in the hotel, me and my sister went to get her some soup (which we had been eating for few days). Getting the soup turned out to be the easy part... We weren't able to find a spoon so we got her a straw. My sister and I took döner kebab and ate at the hotel room.
On Saturday we did last minute shopping, and rested a lot. Also on Saturday I had my birthday. It was really a pain in the arse, as our friend and my sis just said all day long "You decided, it's your bday." Like that would not have been what I have done the whole week long. They wouldn't even tell me what they would like to or not like to eat. Also apparently very many people think that when I am abroad, you can't send a bday txt msg. Annoying. My day was made when I read my facebook messages when I opened my computer this morning.
So on Sunday we packed our backs and gave our room away and waited. Again I had to read my book and read my sisters and friends thoughts as they wouldn't say what they wanted to do. When my sister started to look really pissed I said few suggestions what to do. But still I had to make the decision what to do, as we all needed to go at the same time. She couldn't go by herself or with our friend. Great! I know that I probably was something like that when I was in Bulgaria the first time, but as I usually have to be the one that makes all the decisions it was a really nice vacation. That in mind every time I felt like telling them off, I just took a deep breath and suggested something else and went where ever they wanted to go.
Also my friend was picking us up from the airport in the middle of the night even though she would have to wake up in few hours and go to work. I really love it when I have really good friends. She is priceless :)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Rest. cont.
Thank God there are some who are understanding and patient. For them I'd love to do anything I can to help. But those who are rude YELL can go to hell. It is not nice to be hoping that the day would be over when you have only done like 10 minutes of work and have hours and hours left.
I am not sure if it is because I am going to another trip. I doubt it, but it could be. I have already packed my bag, so I have nothing to stress about. This morning my sister called and told me that my aunt has had or is going to have a hip surgery really soon. She also told me (that our mom had told her) that our aunt had asked our granny to comer over and help her... My mom is going to go over and help our granny again (aparently she has been there at some point) and if our auntie is going to ask help from her, she is going to ask how much is she going to pay her...
Now from that I gather truth to be: Aunt is going to have a hip surgery, she has talked about it to our granny whom has also told this to our mom. The rest is all mom. It might be that I am worried about granny, but I don't think so. At least my sister did not say that she would be in hospital, so I guess she is at home. That is usually better news than if she would be in hospital.
It could be the message my friend got yesterday. I don't know. I probably would have been restless yesterday because of it. Oh, our song is coming from the radio :)) (Our vacation song!)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
New computer
I hope I get used to his soon. Also it is really nice to use mouse. I know I could have used mouse with the laptop as well, but it is not easy when you are sitting in sofa and not around your work desk. Now that I am sitting more at my desk I see that next thing I am going to get is a new chair. Maybe next month. In the end of this week I will go to Bulgaria again for a week and then there is only week left of this month. It is so wierd to work on PC again (compared to Laptop)(Okey for me if someone says they have pc it means a desk computer, you know the big one not like pc and mac. If you talk about laptop with windows in it then you say laptop with win x) (Yes I am difficult). It has been at least three years since I worked like this. Since then I have always used laptop. (first vista and now 7.)(Right, first 32, 32 then 64 and now 64.)(If you don't know what I am talking about, don't worry, that is for the nerds to understand.)(No, I am not a nerd.)
New Computer YAY!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Monday, August 08, 2011
Good things
Also my boss informed me that he has decided to buy a new phone. I will get his old phone! Yay! (It is an Android). Can't wait to have it! Need to remember to change my mobile phone connection to something that has internet connection as well :))
Now that all this good is coming from everywhere, I can feel myself to get ready for the catch. There always is one. I have no doubts about it. Now that I am ready maybe I will be able to catch the shit before it hits the fan...
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Last night
After a while I checked what games my phone had. I think I checked at least four games before I tried to sleep again. I think the last time I checked my phone (for time) was about half past four. Sometime after that I finally fell asleep. Then of course it was not a surprise that I woke around noon. I had planned to wake up about nine or earlier... Oh well you can always get what you want.
I remember when I was about three years old and I was running with my sister and aunt (we are all born within 1,5 years) in the corridor in the farm house. Just before we had continued our running we had had lunch (milk and macaroni (soup)). I started to feel a bit sick and I asked my sister and aunt to get me a bucket. I went to lay down in my bed. When they brought the bucket to me I asked them to add some water to it, so that what ever comes out won't get stuck in it. I remembered this because not too long ago I had been sick and this is what my mother had said to me. My sister brought some water to the bucket and I waited. Few minutes after the water was put in to the bucket I threw up.
I remember when I was about four that I woke up in middle of the night (to me it was, in reality it was probably around 10 pm) because I felt really sick. All I could do was turn around (I was laying in my back) and start vomiting. I tried to yell to my mom and dad (their bedroom was right next to us) between the vomits. After I had finished, my bed was full of it and I left to find someone. While this happened my sister was sleeping in her own bed... (I think I can recall her saying that she might have woken up but fall asleep again) I roamed the downstairs to find an adult. Then I decided to go upstairs where my grandparents lived. I remember that I started to sob and told my granny that I couldn't find anyone and that I had vomited my bed. I remember that I felt really sad. (My granny did change the linen and I was able to sleep in my bed after the mattress had been changed.)
I remember that (at least) once our mom tied us to travel trunks and left us alone in the room. (My sister was in another room, so we were by alone.)
I remember once that my dad was going somewhere with the employees (strawberry farm) and asked if I would like to come with. Of course I wanted to (I was about four). I remember that I had really good time. Then when we got back I got yelled at because I hadn't let anyone know where I had gone. I couldn't understand what the problem was, because I was with my dad. They didn't care before when I was left almost alone (at the moment I can't remember who was there to look after me, but I do believe that there was someone) and everyone else left somewhere else.
I remember when I was about 11 years old, my sister woke me up because her ear was hurting. It was not a big news because she had the ear infection every once in a while. She told me that we were alone, that she wasn't able to find our mom or our step dad (I really don't like calling him that, but it is way to long to write the man whom our mom was soon going to be married to even though he already had beat her once, but she was just begging for more etc.). So we tried to remember what she had done before and found some Vaseline and cotton wool. Then we put the vaseline and cotton wool gently to hear ear and put some tape over it so it wouldn't fall. Next morning my sister found the cotton wool next to hear pillow. It had some yeallowish color as well as did the pillow (some drops of it). We concluded that the ear had popped during the night. I can't remember now if we told to our mom about it or not. We might not always tell her.
Once my sister broke her arm in P.E. The day before our mom had said that we are not allowed to ride our bikes anymore because we might brake a bone. If we would do something that stupid (like brake a bone) she would NOT be taking care of us. (We were about 8 and 9.) So when the school called her that morning, of course her first thought was to go and check if our bikes were still in the yard. (She told this to us, and I do believe she did do this. Because it got her more attention. Also she told it to anyone who was willing to listen.)
Ah, and another memory when I was about 14 or 15 (the last year in middle school/junior high school). I got really cold while in school. I had few hours left, so I stayed in school (we had school transportation as we lived so far away and there were only two times that we could go. The first time had already passed so I had to wait till the second one). When I got home I took panadol that lowers fever and thermometer. Then I went to bed to wait for the results. It was the first time in my life (that I can remember) that my fever was over 38 C. I told this to my sister and she let me be in my side of the room and did her own home work. After awhile our mom came in and was all worried and stuff. I remember telling her that I had already taken care of it and to leave me alone. Later I heard from my sister, that she had told her because otherwise she wouldn't have noticed it. (No, I didn't spent most of my time in our room. I just avoided him, but not her so she should have been able to notice it.)
Also I remember when I was ten years old that I told my mum that considering all I will be able to take care of myself if I would live by myself. I asked her to let me live by myself.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Surprising news
So double the surprise as I did not expect to run into anyone who I know :)) So me and my friend started talking about almost everything and I was surprised to hear (and no usually I am not so easily surprised!) that one of my friends whom with I had gone to school with (in Mikkeli we were in the same class and were all pretty close friends) is pregnant and is about to pop. We haven't been in contact for few years (because she hasn't replied to my messages). Now at least my friend will have someone who to talk baby stuff with. I know that I am a good one to talk about baby stuff as well as my sister and sister in law has talked to me a lot about baby stuff.
This is just a small post this time to share the surprises that I have experienced today :)
Friday, August 05, 2011
Bulgaria vol 1
It was really warm and nice (the weather) even though I am not a huge fan of tanning in the sun (as I burn really easily). So most of the week we of course were catching the sun as much as we could. We also swam in the Black Sea for the first time in our lives! So far I have swam in Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, (North) Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Baltic Sea. When I was a kid we visited northern Norway and went swimming there. I was told that I swam in the Arctic Ocean, but I am not sure if it actually was that. I think it was still Atlantic.
Anyways, back to Bulgaria. It was my first time there, and of course I didn't know what to expect. I was happily surprised how clean it was over there. Considering that in that area there were many thousands of tourists from all over Europe. It could have been a lot worse. Also I felt quite safe there and we didn't hear anything about anyone being robbed. (Well later I found out that one of my aunts friends was over there as well, but in Sunny Beach. She got robbed/lost her bag with everything in it. It is not known to me how she got robbed/lost her things.)
The room wasn't very big, but it was comfortable. Also the cleaning ladies kept the place very tidy. The hotel that we were in was only 2 1/2 starts in our standards (in local standards 3 starts), but it was in the best location. It was right by the sea (next to a road which was next to the beach) and on the other side of the hotel there was just trees. This meant that not much noise came in from the pubs and bars.
The food was good. We enjoyed the chicken kebab very much. I also tasted a salad in a local place and found a hair in it. Let me tell you that the waitress didn't see what the problem was... Apparently it is very normal for people there to eat food with hair in it. Yack! And nope I didn't get any discount... Now I am going to continue thinking about the chicken kebab and not the salad. mmmmm döner.... yammy!
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Visitors from north
So first I am going to write about the visitors that I had for about a week and half. This time I think the visit was much better as we didn't have the time to fight with my sis. The bad thing was that my niece was sick for a day so they weren't able to go see my bro (et family) for four days. (It is okey if you have chicken pox, but not for fever and upset tummy) (Long story, maybe later). Also my aunt and my boss came to visit us and I gave them permission to bring their youngest dog.
I know that I plan to keep this house animal free, but as I knew that the dog would be outside most of the time and my aunt and boss would only stay for few hours, I saw no harm in that. Also it was much easier for them as they didn't need to find a place for him. My sister also said that it would be okey (she is allergic to dogs). Since that time no allergic person has been here (as I figured).
So when they left (in the morning) I was left with dishes, dry plates with half dry plates and stuff in the wrong places. One thing that I do before I start doing the dishes is put the clean stuff where it belongs. Not just mount the wet plates over dry ones. Oh, boy was I boiling about that. I wasn't able to do the dishes as there was no room in the cupboard (where they dry). There would have been had the dry ones been taken out first! I am not sure who did the dishes in the evening, but it sure hell was not me. Grrrr. So basically I didn't have plates to use, as all was either dirty or drying. (Yes I know I could have dried them with a cloth, but that really is not that hygienic...)
Also I will now need to put my dvd's back in order. I don't have that many dvd's so it is not a big hassle, but still it is a bit annoying to clean after visitors. Also I had to clean my computer up as well. I don't think they did anything wrong, just normal surfing, but still it did feel a bit clumsy afterwords. It might be just me because I am living by myself...
Friday, July 01, 2011
I have been a good girl...
Then what I haven't been able to do yet: phone calls to friends (sorry about that). Lots of phone calls... Maybe I will need to start writing letters...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A small miracle (or not)
We also talked about that she is not able to come over to see my granny yet as she needs to be working for 3 weeks (small company and one employee is on vacation and other broke her leg). She had planned to come, but now can't. Someone needs to cut the grass in granny's home. My uncle hadn't done it, even though he was the last person to be there.
I also informed her about my illness and that my hearing is okey (oh, yeah I think I forgot to mention that! The hearing test showed Normal on both ears) and also discussed about my brother and his new home. So basically we went over all the things that has happened to her children that she doesn't know about and about her mother. She also gave me some money. She did offer at first, but I said "I won't turn money down, but I will be okey without any extra. My bills have been paid, so any extra bills that come are for leisure that I should handle by myself." So basically I gave her the choice.
My motto is that I don't ask for money, but I don't say no either if someone offers. I have been begging for money from relatives so many times when I was a kid, that I've had enough. I think that she called me because she couldn't call my sister (long story) and I think she gave me money because I answered and talked with her for almost an hour. I am not sure if this is the first or second time this year that we talk...
Solo the Dog
He has been feeling really bad lately and my sister tried to get an appointment to vet. The one that we have used earlier just said that they don't have the time or equipment to study him. Other places that she found were closed either permanently or for the summer. We were really surprised to see how difficult it was to find a vet for a small old dog!
But we were in luck as the county vet (who also didn't have the time or equipment) was able to check him out. Of course Solo didn't like very much of the idea of going to see vet. Or being anywhere near the place... But surprisingly to us all the vet didn't find anything alarming. It might be that because Solo was so energetic (trying to run away from the vet, oh there's another dog, hmmm would jumping help) that the vet didn't see how old and unable to move one was. The vet said that he was in good health compared to his age.
His hart has some extra sound (that we knew already of) but that is totally normal for his age. So unless something drastic happens he should be with us at least a year or two (or three).
Computers grrr
So I had to shut down and restart. Then when I was running Spybot my computer decided to turn off on its own... Yay for computers. This is very normal what happens after an update has been installed. Now I am just keeping my fingers crossed so that my cleaning operation will be enough.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
About you know who
So this is also why our granny has requested that we share the information that we have. So that she doesn't need to be on the phone all the time. Because it makes her tired. So if we see our relatives we share the information. There is just one big pain in the arse. My mom speaks with her almost daily, but doesn't share any information.
It just is so annoying that it pleases her so much to see that we do not know about how granny is doing. I have heard information from our cousin, but not from her... GRRR. You know what, I am just going to leave it at that, and wish everyone happy midsummer and try not to ruin my own.