So my sister just said that she can come whenever but after school we won't be here. I was trying to understand and asked that if she comes tomorrow you won't be here? And she got mad at me! Now she is not talking to me at all. She asks her hubby or child to do something that I could do and they have to do extra for it. That just pisses me off, that she can't just say directly. And I am supposed to be here for two more weeks. I tried to explain her what I meant but she just walked away. That is her style. When she gets mad she just walks away and doesn't even try to solve things untill she has made the counterpart mad as well. Then she can blame the other one of not wanting to solve things.
I am now downstairs because I just couldn't be up there. Fine be mad, but this just teaches me that I can't say anything to you because you get mad. GRRRRR.
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