Captain America (birth of). I have to say that I am not disappointed with it. Although it did not help that I needed to pee most of the movie. It was basic weak guy becomes a strong guy and almost gets the girl (superheros getting the girl never work so that's why almost gets). Because you will need to be a superhero to date a superhero for real. Otherwise you are only dating part of him or get killed by someone or something that makes the superhero even more something.
About the movie: It was 3D, which can be a bad thing in a movie. In this case it wasn't. I liked it. I would have to say that it is one of the best 3D movies that I have seen. Of course it has its limitations (animated 3Ds rock). One thing that I didn't like was when CA was running, you could see the animation. I bet they used a lot more animation in the movie that I noticed, but that one was one thing that I bet everyone noticed. Two hours is a bit too long for this type of a movie (imo) but it wasn't overly boring so the movie is forgiven.
I can't wait till they get the team together and see that movie! :))
Oh I would recommend this movie to those who like the comics (just so that they can dislike the movie after seeing it) and to those who like adventure movies. Age: well there is war, nazis, so it is not for the kids otherwise for all.
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