Sunday, August 07, 2011


Last night (because I was not able to sleep) I started to think what would I write next. This subject came up because my sister in law had asked me earlier how long will my nephew remember his first day at his new day care. He had had a rough start as he was asked to wash his hands right after coming in from outside (they do this at home as well, but did not do it in his old place) and he has been talking about it the whole week. He is turning three in September... Also more to this subject came from a discussion that I had with my friend while in Bulgaria. Basically the idea came from my sister in law and the type of memories from my friend.

I remember when I was about three years old and I was running with my sister and aunt (we are all born within 1,5 years) in the corridor in the farm house. Just before we had continued our running we had had lunch (milk and macaroni (soup)). I started to feel a bit sick and I asked my sister and aunt to get me a bucket. I went to lay down in my bed. When they brought the bucket to me I asked them to add some water to it, so that what ever comes out won't get stuck in it. I remembered this because not too long ago I had been sick and this is what my mother had said to me. My sister brought some water to the bucket and I waited. Few minutes after the water was put in to the bucket I threw up.

I remember when I was about four that I woke up in middle of the night (to me it was, in reality it was probably around 10 pm) because I felt really sick. All I could do was turn around (I was laying in my back) and start vomiting. I tried to yell to my mom and dad (their bedroom was right next to us) between the vomits. After I had finished, my bed was full of it and I left to find someone. While this happened my sister was sleeping in her own bed... (I think I can recall her saying that she might have woken up but fall asleep again) I roamed the downstairs to find an adult. Then I decided to go upstairs where my grandparents lived. I remember that I started to sob and told my granny that I couldn't find anyone and that I had vomited my bed. I remember that I felt really sad. (My granny did change the linen and I was able to sleep in my bed after the mattress had been changed.)

I remember that (at least) once our mom tied us to travel trunks and left us alone in the room. (My sister was in another room, so we were by alone.)

I remember once that my dad was going somewhere with the employees (strawberry farm) and asked if I would like to come with. Of course I wanted to (I was about four). I remember that I had really good time. Then when we got back I got yelled at because I hadn't let anyone know where I had gone. I couldn't understand what the problem was, because I was with my dad. They didn't care before when I was left almost alone (at the moment I can't remember who was there to look after me, but I do believe that there was someone) and everyone else left somewhere else.

I remember when I was about 11 years old, my sister woke me up because her ear was hurting. It was not a big news because she had the ear infection every once in a while. She told me that we were alone, that she wasn't able to find our mom or our step dad (I really don't like calling him that, but it is way to long to write the man whom our mom was soon going to be married to even though he already had beat her once, but she was just begging for more etc.). So we tried to remember what she had done before and found some Vaseline and cotton wool. Then we put the vaseline and cotton wool gently to hear ear and put some tape over it so it wouldn't fall. Next morning my sister found the cotton wool next to hear pillow. It had some yeallowish color as well as did the pillow (some drops of it). We concluded that the ear had popped during the night. I can't remember now if we told to our mom about it or not. We might not always tell her.

Once my sister broke her arm in P.E. The day before our mom had said that we are not allowed to ride our bikes anymore because we might brake a bone. If we would do something that stupid (like brake a bone) she would NOT be taking care of us. (We were about 8 and 9.) So when the school called her that morning, of course her first thought was to go and check if our bikes were still in the yard. (She told this to us, and I do believe she did do this. Because it got her more attention. Also she told it to anyone who was willing to listen.)

Ah, and another memory when I was about 14 or 15 (the last year in middle school/junior high school). I got really cold while in school. I had few hours left, so I stayed in school (we had school transportation as we lived so far away and there were only two times that we could go. The first time had already passed so I had to wait till the second one). When I got home I took panadol that lowers fever and thermometer. Then I went to bed to wait for the results. It was the first time in my life (that I can remember) that my fever was over 38 C. I told this to my sister and she let me be in my side of the room and did her own home work. After awhile our mom came in and was all worried and stuff. I remember telling her that I had already taken care of it and to leave me alone. Later I heard from my sister, that she had told her because otherwise she wouldn't have noticed it. (No, I didn't spent most of my time in our room. I just avoided him, but not her so she should have been able to notice it.)

Also I remember when I was ten years old that I told my mum that considering all I will be able to take care of myself if I would live by myself. I asked her to let me live by myself.

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