Some of you know that I have a dog. Well I don't anymore. He lived with my sister (simply because they lived in a house and I in appartments) for the past 3 years. I left him to my sister because I moved to abroad and there was no possibility to take him with me. When I moved back I didn't take him back because he was getting old and my niece wanted to have a dog.
He had a really good life and enjoyed playing with the kids. (My sister had another one while I was away.) My Sister got home in the Monday evening and had plans to get her youngest and Solo home from the grandparents. In the Tuesday morning her hubby called and told her that Solo had died (Granny had called him) during the night.
In the end it turned out that he had died already on Monday evening, but they didn't want to bother my sister and her hubby but give them some time together. At this point I have to tell you that when Solo wasn't house trained (most of the time he was but there was accidents) he had one place where he could go with out punishment (aka me asking who is a bad boy in loud voice) and that was the toilet/shower area. This is because it was really easy place to clean.
Why I mentioned this, is because you'll never guess where he went to rest for the last time. His favourite places was under a bed. No, he didn't go there. He loved to be around people. Nope he wasn't near anyone. You wan't me to tell you? Well, he went to the shower area... Always thinking of others. Yes I do believe that he knew what was coming. I am just happy that he died in peace.
Edit: Just few months ago I wrote about Solo the dog. Then I assumed that Solo would be with us a year or two. That didn't happen, but I am happy that he didn't have to suffer for the last few years he had.
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