Sunday, September 04, 2011

Vegan stuff

Yesterday and today I bought some food for my friend who is coming over. She is vegan, so it took some searching to find something that she can eat. Now of course I could have just left the meat out from my food. But that's not fun. As I do know that there are vegan sausages and vegan cheese out there, I am going to be a good little host and find them.

Now I am searching for a vegan restaurant (well vegetarian is enough as I think they also serve vegan food). But sadly I haven't been able to find one yet. There are plenty in Helsinki, but I would have loved to see one in here as well. I have planned that we could go to Helsinki on Saturday, so we could eat there... It's just that if it is raining, I am not sure if we want to go or not.

Of course I could take her to my friends place... It could be interesting.

Oh what I was going to write, was that I think that vegan food is way too expensive... Or you have to be really rich to do it. I know that I can do some of the stuff myself. Sausage is one that I am not going to do by myself... Four little sausages was almost 4 euros! That is expensive believe me.

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