Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday shopping

On Monday we watched the third movie Beautiful Boy. The movie is about what happens after the school shooting in the family of the shooter. If you have read the book We need to talk about Kevin, and liked it, then I would recommend you to watch this movie.

After the movie we left for town as we had planned to make the shoppings during the last day. This went pretty well. First we went to Robinhood to check it out, and buy some warm clothes if they had any. (It is fall clothes season, so no winter gear normally yet.) We were in luck and they had some :) After that we went to Harbour to buy stuff from the handmade store.

After this we headed to Trio to do more shopping and show her camera, if it could be fixed. She had dropped it (well the bag broke and she didn't know it untill the camera dropped) on the pavement and the lense was popping out. Unfortunately the lense could not be fixed nor had the store anything that could fit the camera. This bummed my friend quite a lot and she didn't want to do anymore shopping. So we went to pick up my parcel and dropped off the movies that we had rented the day before.

As we had already made plans to meet a friend of hers, we had to go back to my appartment for a while before heading back to Trio. There we spent few hours in Robert's Coffee and did little bit shopping in H&M. She found the cardigan that she was looking for from there.

Then after we got back home she did a vegan meal for me. As she did it I called my sister because I had promised to help her with something. The meal was ready before I had finished with my sister. Then she waited for few seconds went to computer and snapped that the food is ready. Went back to the kitchen and put the food back to the oven... The food was fine, but I could read from her that she was pissed. From my point of view she snapped at nothing and there for had no reason to be pissed. If I have been cooking and see that someone is on the phone I keep the food warm and inform that the food is ready. Not so that I snap that food is ready BTW... and start then putting the food in the warm place. How would I know that the food is ready when she was the one cooking. I am not mind reader and I can't be sure what you are going to do next with the food.

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