Monday, August 29, 2011

Things that annoy me

1. Bank fees: They are suprsingly high! I try to avoid any extra fees any way possible. But it sucks that if I wan't to know how much money is in my account I need to pay for the information... This is why I usually do everything online and do not have any cash. Which is annoying sometimes, not to have any cash.

2. My sister when she is describing me how I look: "You know what was funny? To look at you when you looked so worried etc..." Fine I will never show my expressions to her ever again! I am not telling that she looks funny when she is worried or something. I know I have an expression because I was worried she as she was hurting. No need to diminsh it or talk about it.  Grr.

3. I won't drink if you won't drink: Fine, then don't drink! I prefer my friends and family to not care about me not drinking. This is also a feature that my sister possesses. I drink when I want to, not when you want to. (I don't mind it.)

Grr, now I only can think of why she annoys me. She really is not that annoying, but now my mind is just looping.

4. I give support only to our software, so no I do not need to know why Windows is not working on your computer: Customers ask for help on stuff that I am not expert on, then they bitch about my advice! Soon I will not help anyone unless it is specifically related to our software. Do a good deed and get shit in return...

5. People who do not know how to unsubscribe: Really?!? You don't see the link that says click here to unsubscribe! How those few persons who do not know how to do it will make the most fuss and ruin my day (again trying to help and get shit in return).

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