Friday, September 09, 2011


Yesterday my friend came over from England to visit me. Her flight was in Helsinki almost at midnight. This meant that I needed to stay awake really really late. So to keep me up, I went to my other friends place which is on the way.

The we first chatted a bit (she cleaned and I chatted ;) ) and made some cloe-minced meat thingy. Of course the main part of the evening was singing some SingStar :)) I have to say we were pretty good even though we hadn't practiced it alot. After signing an hour or two we watched a bit of telly. Then it was time for me to go to the airport.

The timing was perfect as I had just pulled in and was about to meet her when she walked out of the airport :) Then I drove back home and wasn't tired at all. It might be because of the coke I drank...

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