Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Funny thing

I think I have mentioned a few times that my mother has changed her number. Well this has led to the fact that I usually have a number behind her name like: mom1, mom2, mom3 etc. Just so that I will know what is her new number. I have deleted a few ones just because I don't like having too many numbers for one person! Also my sister in law just asked me what is her current number as she hadn't replied to any of my sister in laws messages.

Also the changing of her number has led to her having old numbers on her phone. She gave to my aunt a phone number to call my brother, but of course it was not in use. So my aunt called me and asked me to ask my brother to be one of the carriers in the funeral. And also ask if his dad and stepmom would come to the funeral. So basically she had cut all connection to my brother without even knowing she had done so!

Oh and I could tell you how much the funeral is going to suck, but because I promised myself not to get too worked out because of it, I won't. I am not taking part in the planning so I shouldn't complain about it.

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