No wonder my nephew slept so well. He had a little bit fever last night and now this morning I got a word that he has quite high fever. He has been asking when he can go out, but otherwise has been just resting. I just hope that he didn't come sick because he spent time with me. :/
I found out that Monster also has job openings from Canada. So I have checked it out also. Haven't stressed about that part of my plan too much yet, as there still are so many other things that I need to take care of first. But it helps that I have found another place to search for jobs.
One Research School paper done and returned. Need to fix the economics paper and then return in by Friday. Then I have two papers left, which I will be starting very soon I hope. The research school paper two is a group work and it seems that I will be able to do it in the same group as I did the first one. Yay! I don't have to do it by myself.
My sister is going to a summer job interview on Monday. I have helped her a bit as she has been really nervous about it. I really do hope she will get it, as it would mean that she will have income for the whole summer and not just for the month I will be on vacation.
Well I won't be on vacation for the whole month. I will be on vacation for two weeks, and then I will save the other two weeks for when I will be moving. So that I will have time to get all the needed stuff and can get rid of the jet lag before starting to work again. So not the first move to my sister, but the second move (the official one). Well I guess I still do need to count both of them. That will take me to numbers... *counting* oh wau, when I move to Canada it will be my 20th move. Maybe I will need to celebrate it somehow.
/edit: Dentist. Still panicking about it. I think I can already feel her pulling my teeths out. Also my aunt remined me that I need to buy soup. And the pain meds! Still haven't got any of those that I like. I only have pills (I can eat them, but I need to eat them with solid food). Tomorrow, I will buy soup and new pain meds as I will go to the gym and sign the papers that say I quit!
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