Friday, May 25, 2012

Laughing not recommended

I've been watching wliia UK on YouTube. I do have to say that it is not a good idea to start laughing when you are in the end of pain med sycle. I just talked with my sister in law. As we were talking where it hurts, she said that if there has been a wirery thingy in the cavity filler the teeth next to it will hurt. This is what I have had, so not that much pain in the wisdom teeth place. This in mind the right side should be not so painful. Although the right side is a bit more difficult according to the pics.

I also talked with my sister this morning (and last night). She got herself a summer job! (She is studying at the moment, so she might be able to get her intership done at the same time.) This means that she won't be coming over here during the summer like first planned. We discussed that I will be going there after misdummer and then take my niece with me. We will be going to see relatives and to Linnanmäki or Särkänniemi (fairs). I will also be working at the same time, so we shall see how it goes. Hopefully well.

I am feeling good about having my right side wisdom teeth taken out in the midlle of July. If it is not possible at that time, then it will be in September. I really don't want to wait that long. I will need to be packing in September so that I can move to Tornio. Hmmm. Need to plan a bit more. I hate it when I haven't got a clear picture in mind of what am I going to do.

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