Monday, May 14, 2012

Going to the Dentist!

*Breath in* *Breath out*... in four hours I will be on my way to the appointment. Starting to feel a bit jittery.

/edit: Now I wish that I would have taken the earlier time. Just so that it would be over with.

Almost forgot, my rides to the airport and back are secure. My sneaky plan was succesful.

/edit 2: I'm back! Original plan was to spent 20 euros on the dental check, but I ended spending 110 euros. They took a picture of my teeth (with the rotating thingy), hence the rise in the price. Also it is private so it is a bit more expensive than public. But I rather have this done this year than next year.

So what did the dentist find... Well considering that the last time I saw a dentist was oh, lets say five years ago (I lived in Tampere at the time) and last time I saw hygienist was almost 2,5 years ago, my teeth were in good shape. I have one cavity that needs to be filled. Also she wants to jank all my wisdom tooths out. *breath in, breath out* She wants to JANK my wisdom toots!! Of course I was a trooper and said okey. Well she recommended that they would be taken out as they are in difficult place to brush and probably would break down in few years anyway.

Luckily they are easy to take out. That's what the picture was for... So next wednesday I will be going there yet again... And having two of my wisdom tooths taken out and one cavity filled. It is so freaking soon! *breath in, breath out*

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