My little empiric research is not yet over, but I think I have the results already. The resreach is between paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is the kind that dissolves in to water. Paracetamol tastes and dissolves better. Ibuprofen tastes quite nasty if not enough water is used also it does not dissolve as good as paracetamol. Ibuprofen has this nasty layer of foam that irritates lips and throat. Having said all this, paracetamol takes it sweet time to do anything, so it cannot be the starter. It can be used to continue the treatment. Ibuprofen takes about 15-30 minutes to work, depending on how fast I drink it. It really does work, so it is a good starter and good to finish so I can sleep.
No wonder I started to use aspirin as the one that works for me tastes so bad. I have also couple of times taken pain meds that are for children (we were travelling and that was all we had) but the problem with them was that they tasted like banana. I almost barffed them out while trying to swallow them as fast as I could. Over here we have only two kinds that you can dissolve in water (panadol and burana), one that can be poured down to your tongue, grain, and it dissolves from there (aspirin) and one that dissolves in your mouth, tablet (pamolf-f for children).
I think it is fair to say that even though my research is not yet over, I have found the winner. All I can say in the end is that I am going to stay as healthy as possible so I don't need to take more pills ever again and try to avoid the need of pain meds.
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