Monday, May 28, 2012

Fire alarm

I went to buy the train ticket for me and my niece today. Well surprise surprise, they have changed the policy and family ticket is not available for night train. I bought the ticket anyway, but had I known this earlier I would have bought plaine tickets. So till next time. I didn't yet buy the ticket to go to Kemi, as a plan came to my mind. I could drive to my aunt's place and ask her or my cousin  to give me a ride to nearest train station. So when I get back I will be able to leave when I want to (and no need to check for the time tables).

After this I went to buy some food (I still have soup, but nothing else) so that I will be able to byte something. Just as I reached the cashier the fire alarm went off. There wasn't any obvious smoke so none of us (other customers and personnel) were panicked. The cashier thought that the alarm went off because of the renovations. I still don't know what kicked the alram, but there was not fire or fire trucks when I left there. In the parking building the fire alarm was a bit more noisy than inside the store. The sound started to resonate in my teeth and especially there where the wisdom teeth had been. I had to take some ibuprofen because of it. I hope that that will be the last one that I will need to take in a long time.

Good news is, that I am able to eat normal food. This means that I will be doing some BBQing with my friend! I can't wait! mmmm... bbq food is soo good!

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