I am babysitting my nephew. So this is just going to be a quick post. Well he is almost half asleep watching Tom and Jerry. We started the day by watching some Ubos (I tried to fix the research paper while he was watching the dvd). Then I ate some breakfast (it was around 11 am so a bit late I know) and he had some snack. Then we went to playground for half hour. I was going to mow my lawn, but I then noticed one of my group members had tried to call me. I called her back and we discussed how difficult it is to make a paper when they expect us to start writing immediately academic text but don't tell us how to do it. While I was talking to my group member my nephew went to another playground (I followed him).
Then we decided that it was time to mow the lawn. It wasn't that long so it was wasy to do. I noticed that I probably would need to do something about it as there is moss, dandelion and something else growing more than grass. But since the likelihood of me being here next summer is closer to nill than one, I think I will just skip it. But what else did we do... We went shopping as today is candy day for him. So we bought some candy for him and some food. The food is mostly for me for next week. Well for Monday and Tuesday as I won't be able to eat anything after the Dentist.
After shopping we came home and baked a mud cake :) Then I did some BBQing and we ate outside. I think it has been very tireing day for my nephew as he still is laying in sofa almost sleeping.
/edit. Sorry, my mistake. He is sleeping at the moment :))
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