Thursday, May 10, 2012

How much do I like to do school stuff?

This much :)
Instead of writing another paper, reading a book or doing an presentation (I have started all though), I decided to do something else. Something that I should have done two years ago. Yes I am really lazy sometimes. I can't believe that it took me this long to do it!

So I have now taken off the wallpaper from one wall. I have to paint it as well before doing the other one. So now I am waiting for it to dry. I think I better wait till over the weekend (or maybe during the weekend). I might have to sleep in the guest room if the smell is too bad (after the painting).

Some good news. I was able to get in a group for the research school task (one). So I don't have to write the 2-4 pages by myself. Now I only need to write one page + conclusion and add it all together. Yes, I promised to do anything as long as I didn't have to do it by myself. So now I need to concentrate on the presentation which is next wednesday, this paper which we send to spell check by tuesday and fix it by sunday. Then I will concentrate on the management paper (the one with 26 pages). Also I need to check out the RS paper two.

Oh, and my dad called. I was plannin on calling him tomorrow, as today I waited almost the whole day for a classmate to call (they use their work phone to call me)(yes they have permisson to do so). She called me after work, which was okey. We were able to discuss the school stuff that we needed. Had she called me earlier I would have called my dad after work. Anyway, he is okey (according to him, but not according to my aunt) and has kind of working car. He had just bought a new one, which had a few more problems than what he had thought. He just wished that he would someday be able to buy a car that didn't need fixing.

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