Monday, May 28, 2012

Fire alarm

I went to buy the train ticket for me and my niece today. Well surprise surprise, they have changed the policy and family ticket is not available for night train. I bought the ticket anyway, but had I known this earlier I would have bought plaine tickets. So till next time. I didn't yet buy the ticket to go to Kemi, as a plan came to my mind. I could drive to my aunt's place and ask her or my cousin  to give me a ride to nearest train station. So when I get back I will be able to leave when I want to (and no need to check for the time tables).

After this I went to buy some food (I still have soup, but nothing else) so that I will be able to byte something. Just as I reached the cashier the fire alarm went off. There wasn't any obvious smoke so none of us (other customers and personnel) were panicked. The cashier thought that the alarm went off because of the renovations. I still don't know what kicked the alram, but there was not fire or fire trucks when I left there. In the parking building the fire alarm was a bit more noisy than inside the store. The sound started to resonate in my teeth and especially there where the wisdom teeth had been. I had to take some ibuprofen because of it. I hope that that will be the last one that I will need to take in a long time.

Good news is, that I am able to eat normal food. This means that I will be doing some BBQing with my friend! I can't wait! mmmm... bbq food is soo good!

Picking up my niece

I am not sure if I mentioned it already, but my sister got herself a summer job! This unfortunately means that she won't be visiting me during the summer. This also created some babysitting problems for her. But fear not, family to the rescue. (Well she had planned that my niece would have gone to our mother, which was first okey but not so surprisingly now it is not.) My aunt said that she would be happy to take my niece over and do a relatives tour with her. Only problem is that she is not able to pick her up due to reasons I am not disclousing here.

I then suggested to my aunt (really funny to say my aunt when she is more of an sister due to our age) that I will pick her up. After considering different ways of travelling, we ended up with train. This means that I will be able to sleep, my niece will be able to sleep and due to the gas prices it is not that expensive. It might actually even be a bit cheaper. Also I don't have to put much of my own money into this, just my time. My aunt and sis have both said that they will give me some compensation for the trip.

This means that I will be going to Tornio on Thursday evening, arrive there Friday morning and leave Friday night to arrive to Riihimäki on Saturday morning. Now all I need to do is call my other aunt if she will pick us up from Riihimäki as my cousin has her graduation party. After noon I will try to leave to Lahti, where my friend has her B-day party.

P.S. have not used pain meds since yesterday morning.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Empiric research

My little empiric research is not yet over, but I think I have the results already. The resreach is between paracetamol and ibuprofen. It is the kind that dissolves in to water. Paracetamol tastes and dissolves better. Ibuprofen tastes quite nasty if not enough water is used also it does not dissolve as good as paracetamol. Ibuprofen has this nasty layer of foam that irritates lips and throat. Having said all this, paracetamol takes it sweet time to do anything, so it cannot be the starter. It can be used to continue the treatment. Ibuprofen takes about 15-30 minutes to work, depending on how fast I drink it. It really does work, so it is a good starter and good to finish so I can sleep.

No wonder I started to use aspirin as the one that works for me tastes so bad. I have also couple of times taken pain meds that are for children (we were travelling and that was all we had) but the problem with them was that they tasted like banana. I almost barffed them out while trying to swallow them as fast as I could. Over here we have only two kinds that you can dissolve in water (panadol and burana),  one that can be poured down to your tongue, grain, and it dissolves from there (aspirin) and one that dissolves in your mouth, tablet (pamolf-f for children).

I think it is fair to say that even though my research is not yet over, I have found the winner. All I can say in the end is that I am going to stay as healthy as possible so I don't need to take more pills ever again and try to avoid the need of pain meds.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Laughing not recommended

I've been watching wliia UK on YouTube. I do have to say that it is not a good idea to start laughing when you are in the end of pain med sycle. I just talked with my sister in law. As we were talking where it hurts, she said that if there has been a wirery thingy in the cavity filler the teeth next to it will hurt. This is what I have had, so not that much pain in the wisdom teeth place. This in mind the right side should be not so painful. Although the right side is a bit more difficult according to the pics.

I also talked with my sister this morning (and last night). She got herself a summer job! (She is studying at the moment, so she might be able to get her intership done at the same time.) This means that she won't be coming over here during the summer like first planned. We discussed that I will be going there after misdummer and then take my niece with me. We will be going to see relatives and to Linnanmäki or Särkänniemi (fairs). I will also be working at the same time, so we shall see how it goes. Hopefully well.

I am feeling good about having my right side wisdom teeth taken out in the midlle of July. If it is not possible at that time, then it will be in September. I really don't want to wait that long. I will need to be packing in September so that I can move to Tornio. Hmmm. Need to plan a bit more. I hate it when I haven't got a clear picture in mind of what am I going to do.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The feeling

You know the feeling that wakes you up in middle of the night. The feeling that you have forgotten something. Well just had a bad feeling about a task I had returned on Sunday. Had to go check that it was returned. Well it was there... But as a draft! It hadn't been sent for marking. I really hope it doesn't affect the grading. I think I will need to send an email to the teacher about it. So far it has been enough that you just upload it. First time it required me to do more. I could swear that it had that requirement when I uploaded the paper. Oh, man! I was almost half a asleep. Hopefully will be able to fall back. Tgf the feeling.

More pics!

Getting some sun!

Just because I can (I took this pic)
Backyard (me inside the fence)

Looking very green!

Some colour
More pics posted on separate post, because blogger wasn't co-operating with me.

/edit: Almost forgot! No brusing, so I can leave the house. No need to leave the house though as I have everything I need here. Not in (too much) pain. Pain meds doing their job.

Picture time!

These are really planted here, but I have no idea what they are.

My nephew wanted me to have some flowers :)

Pretty flowers, but weed I know.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Going to the Dentist II

I am so nervous! My rational mind does not understand why I am nervous. I understand everything that they are going to do. I do see where the nervousness comes from and in my mind I should be more relaxed, because I know it. So my rational mind is saying SNAP OUT OF IT! (yeah it has temper) and I am saying *crossing my hands* NO.

Oh, look at the time... I better get going. 30 mins and it is my time!

/edit: I am back. I was pretty nervous the whole time. Really didn't like the needle, but I do like the numbness. Well the dentist didn't quite like it when I accidentally bit her. To my defence she told me to close my mouth a bit... I just didn't feel that there was something between my teeth :))

So two hours of not eating (well now 1,5 hours) or drinking. We shall see if I will be able to talk when the class starts. I do think that I will be, as there is about four hours to go to that. So numbness should be gone by then. Well most of it anyway. I bet I am having such an adrenalin rush that the local anesthetic goes away fast.

We didn't yet book the time for the right side as we first will see how fast the left side will heal. Well we kind of said that it will be in the end of July. This is because I will be going to Brighton next month, so I don't want to go there so that my mouth is hurting. Then she is going on her summer vacation and will be back in the end of July. So I have time to panic. But first it is time to heal.


In 12 hours I have been sitting in dentists chair for 30 minutes. So basically 12 hours from now I am almost done or right in middle of teeth pulling. I will have local anesthetic, so I should be able to drive home. I have asked my friend if she can be a backup driver in case I can't. She said she could drive me home, if I need her to. OMG and all other things. All the svear words you can think of. Panicking! I hope I can get some sleep.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Gym & dentist

Today I signed the papers that I will quit my gym. I can go till 7.7 and then it will be over. I will pay one more payment and then it will be done. I am not sure how much I am going to go there, as I don't think I will be going after the dentist appointments.

I also went shopping. I have lots of soup. At least for a week! I also picked up some burana and panadol. I just can't remember which one didn't work with me. By that I mean that it won't take the pain away. The people at the pharmacy recommended that I mix them (not at the same time, but first burana and then next time panadol) so that it won't be too though on my stomach.

Or maybe I should just try thoughing it out. It would be about two days... No, I will take the pain meds for few days at least. Then I will play by the ear.

Also got news from the insurance company. They won't be covering the teeth pulling as it is not an accident... Hmm, I tell ya, hmm.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Updates on everything

No wonder my nephew slept so well. He had a little bit fever last night and now this morning I got a word that he has quite high fever. He has been asking when he can go out, but otherwise has been just resting. I just hope that he didn't come sick because he spent time with me. :/

I found out that Monster also has job openings from Canada. So I have checked it out also. Haven't stressed about that part of my plan too much yet, as there still are so many other things that I need to take care of first. But it helps that I have found another place to search for jobs.

One Research School paper done and returned. Need to fix the economics paper and then return in by Friday. Then I have two papers left, which I will be starting very soon I hope. The research school paper two is a group work and it seems that I will be able to do it in the same group as I did the first one. Yay! I don't have to do it by myself.

My sister is going to a summer job interview on Monday. I have helped her a bit as she has been really nervous about it. I really do hope she will get it, as it would mean that she will have income for the whole summer and not just for the month I will be on vacation.

Well I won't be on vacation for the whole month. I will be on vacation for two weeks, and then I will save the other two weeks for when I will be moving. So that I will have time to get all the needed stuff and can get rid of the jet lag before starting to work again. So not the first move to my sister, but the second move (the official one). Well I guess I still do need to count both of them. That will take me to numbers... *counting* oh wau, when I move to Canada it will be my 20th move. Maybe I will need to celebrate it somehow.

/edit: Dentist. Still panicking about it. I think I can already feel her pulling my teeths out. Also my aunt remined me that I need to buy soup. And the pain meds! Still haven't got any of those that I like. I only have pills (I can eat them, but I need to eat them with solid food). Tomorrow, I will buy soup and new pain meds as I will go to the gym and sign the papers that say I quit! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012


I am babysitting my nephew. So this is just going to be a quick post. Well he is almost half asleep watching Tom and Jerry. We started the day by watching some Ubos (I tried to fix the research paper while he was watching the dvd). Then I ate some breakfast (it was around 11 am so a bit late I know) and he had some snack. Then we went to playground for half hour. I was going to mow my lawn, but I then noticed one of my group members had tried to call me. I called her back and we discussed how difficult it is to make a paper when they expect us to start writing immediately academic text but don't tell us how to do it. While I was talking to my group member my nephew went to another playground (I followed him).

Then we decided that it was time to mow the lawn. It wasn't that long so it was wasy to do. I noticed that I probably would need to do something about it as there is moss, dandelion and something else growing more than grass. But since the likelihood of me being here next summer is closer to nill than one, I think I will just skip it. But what else did we do... We went shopping as today is candy day for him. So we bought some candy for him and some food. The food is mostly for me for next week. Well for Monday and Tuesday as I won't be able to eat anything after the Dentist.

After shopping we came home and baked a mud cake :) Then I did some BBQing and we ate outside. I think it has been very tireing day for my nephew as he still is laying in sofa almost sleeping.

/edit. Sorry, my mistake. He is sleeping at the moment :))

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Presentation done!

Fiuuh! I am done! The presentation is done. There was some sound issues, but they were fixed after my presentation :/ So unfortunately everybody had to sit in the end of their seats to hear me. But never mind! I am done!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Travel news update

Go to the dentist: Check
Leave the Gym: half Check
Check if insurance covers teeth pulling: half Check

Visiting dentist I have already talked about in previous posts. So I won't go there this time.

I went to the gym today and informed them that I will be leaving them. I was asked to come again next monday to write the papers and make it official. I have been paying 56 euros per every 4 weeks (so not a whole month) when going there. So I will be saving up at least 200 euros for quitting it few months early. All that savings goes for the teeth pulling. So after I have signed the papers it will be official and a full Check.

I also sent an email to my insurance company asking about if my insurance covers and as it does where can I apply for getting my money back. Yes, I am 55% sure my insurance covers it. But I just want to make sure of it.

Still need to do is renew my passport (will do so, just am waiting to hear from Grenada), apply for the Visa (will do as soon as I have all the papers), by the tickets (well will do after getting the visa), apply for an appartment (well after I get the tickets), check the internet/phone operators, take stuff to the flea market, ask insurance company about extended travel insurance prices and check the local insurance rates. I had something else in my mind as well, but I seem to have forgotten it. Oh, and I will go check my eyesight and order more contacts. I don't think I will need new classes.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Going to the Dentist!

*Breath in* *Breath out*... in four hours I will be on my way to the appointment. Starting to feel a bit jittery.

/edit: Now I wish that I would have taken the earlier time. Just so that it would be over with.

Almost forgot, my rides to the airport and back are secure. My sneaky plan was succesful.

/edit 2: I'm back! Original plan was to spent 20 euros on the dental check, but I ended spending 110 euros. They took a picture of my teeth (with the rotating thingy), hence the rise in the price. Also it is private so it is a bit more expensive than public. But I rather have this done this year than next year.

So what did the dentist find... Well considering that the last time I saw a dentist was oh, lets say five years ago (I lived in Tampere at the time) and last time I saw hygienist was almost 2,5 years ago, my teeth were in good shape. I have one cavity that needs to be filled. Also she wants to jank all my wisdom tooths out. *breath in, breath out* She wants to JANK my wisdom toots!! Of course I was a trooper and said okey. Well she recommended that they would be taken out as they are in difficult place to brush and probably would break down in few years anyway.

Luckily they are easy to take out. That's what the picture was for... So next wednesday I will be going there yet again... And having two of my wisdom tooths taken out and one cavity filled. It is so freaking soon! *breath in, breath out*

Sunday, May 13, 2012

One down, one to go

I have taken the wallpaper out and painted one of my bedroom walls. Now I know you wonder why I put to the topic one down and one to go. Well there was only two walls with wallpaper (now there is just one). So all I need to do is take the wallpaper out and paint the walls. The wallpaper looks really dirty, hence I am taking it away. I would have done so also in downstairs, but I wasn't given permission to. Or I could, but then I would have to pay for it (and not the landlord). Now I need to wait for the wall to dry before I can start with the other wall. So few nights in the guest bedroom for me.

Yesterday I did a presentation for Wednesday. I'll just need to make notes for myself and it will be done. Than I will need to continue with the big paper (26 pages) and start concentrating for the research paper two. The first one is in my opinion done, but I am still waiting for replies from other group members if they think so also.

I also cleaned up my outdoors table and chairs. I am ready to start BBQing here too. But now I am going to check out what can I eat aka is the food unfrozen yet. -> Oh, this hadn't been published yet. Oh, well my brother just called and asked if I would like to go there and do some BBQ.  Serendipity, thy are my friend.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Argh! Why U no work?!?

Unable to do work at the moment, so what would be better time to update my blog than this?

So far I have send a letter to request my extract of criminal records to Grenada. I have tried to find out where to request it from USA, but have not yet found it. I haven't yet acted too much upon it, as I would like to receive the one from Grenada first, so that I would have the extracts at the same time. Also I haven't asked one from here either. Well I need to update my passport, so I will do it at the same time.

I have checked that I don't need new vaccinations as my old ones should be enough. But I do need to check if I need to get a boost as my Polio and the other that I can't now remember (jäykkäkouristus)(tetanus?) are in their year 8. So I might need a boost. Also I don't have Hep B, so I might ask if they recommend that I take it. I might do a trip to Florida and to Australia as well during that year, so I need to check if I need more vacs for them. I have yellow fever, so I am okey. I think I might need to get Japanese fever or something similar, if I go to NZ.

I have checked space for my stuff. There are warm units but they are expensive... Well it depends... I found one that wasn't too expensive, but not all my stuff would still fit in. Basically my plan with my stuff is to give some away, sell some, give those back that have been lent to me and save some for the time when I get back. I do not want to start buying stuff from the scratch one more time. Done it too many times already, so it will be cheaper to save some and pay for the stock room. I would love to find a place where they could be for free as it would help me a lot.

So I know that computer, printer and the chair will go to my sister as she will be doing my summer vacation next year as well. Some of my papers will also be going there. What else... Some books, kitchen stuff maybe (might not), all big pictures up the wall and other stuff that she might want. I will take some of my stuff to flee market (books, kitchen stuff that are easy to replace, clothes) and then take the rest to good will. If my friends are interested, they can take what they want as long as I can collet them back when I come back.

I have already looked at flats in Toronto area. Also I have checked out workplaces in the Toronto area. Interesting opprotunities, let me tell ya. So to all those who are planning on coming to visit me: the place that I am going to get won't be as big as this. It will be a studio or one bedroom appartment. Just so that you know that there will be mattress for you, but not that much space. So we can spent as much time out of the appartment as we can :))

What else... Oh yeah I informed my dad about this plan. So you and few others know that I am going to move. Some know that I want to travel there as on vacation. Some have no idea.

Also I know how I am going to celebrate my b-day. I will have at least three different weekends during the summer when I will be taking visitors in here at my appartment. But more about that in another post.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How much do I like to do school stuff?

This much :)
Instead of writing another paper, reading a book or doing an presentation (I have started all though), I decided to do something else. Something that I should have done two years ago. Yes I am really lazy sometimes. I can't believe that it took me this long to do it!

So I have now taken off the wallpaper from one wall. I have to paint it as well before doing the other one. So now I am waiting for it to dry. I think I better wait till over the weekend (or maybe during the weekend). I might have to sleep in the guest room if the smell is too bad (after the painting).

Some good news. I was able to get in a group for the research school task (one). So I don't have to write the 2-4 pages by myself. Now I only need to write one page + conclusion and add it all together. Yes, I promised to do anything as long as I didn't have to do it by myself. So now I need to concentrate on the presentation which is next wednesday, this paper which we send to spell check by tuesday and fix it by sunday. Then I will concentrate on the management paper (the one with 26 pages). Also I need to check out the RS paper two.

Oh, and my dad called. I was plannin on calling him tomorrow, as today I waited almost the whole day for a classmate to call (they use their work phone to call me)(yes they have permisson to do so). She called me after work, which was okey. We were able to discuss the school stuff that we needed. Had she called me earlier I would have called my dad after work. Anyway, he is okey (according to him, but not according to my aunt) and has kind of working car. He had just bought a new one, which had a few more problems than what he had thought. He just wished that he would someday be able to buy a car that didn't need fixing.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Älä tyri nyt - Jukka Poika

Don't mess up now

You still have the energy for some time
this place, these people

Dense forest, vast fields
Landscape elicits fear of God
Here the sky is hanging gloomy
over our heads

You are young and restless heart
tired of this dead town
When you are patient,
you got to go to the world yes

Again traditional Friday night
Sounds of rally [1] coming from downtown
Friend asks you to come with him to party [2]

But partying I can pass tonight
You have a ticket to another world,
as long as you stay focused for a while
A fool would start acquiring problems
This place is not the size for you

Don't mess up now, don't go overboard now
Don't let angst to get a grip on you
People being fooling around, big time
Played with death for years

Finish your schools, get competence
You can't blame it on drugs / alcohol
That you didn't have the self-discipline
Even though you can't bear your home now
Advance like a soldier

Not many options available here
you are between the tree and the crust [3] here
Light is shining from the end of the tunnel
Now you are hanging on, having a grip on life

Don't mess up now, don't go overboard now
Don't let angst to get a grip on you
People being fooling around, big time
Played with death for years

Finish your schools, get competence
You can't blame it on drugs / alcohol
That you didn't have the self-discipline
Even though you can't bear your home now
Advance like a soldier

Author's (petteri_t) comment:
[1] rally = pilluralli (Finnish), literally pillu = pussy, ralli = rally. Referring to little town practices of driving around in the city looking for girls
[2] säätää = literally to fix, adjust, in practice meaning to doing something stupid or just inefficiently
[3] Finnish proverb, = "between a rock and a hard place"
From here:

*Not translated by me, I am just blogging this.*

It is a reggae style song, that sometimes just is playing in my head. The real lyrics are in Finnish and are done by Jukka Poika (the artist). The translation I found online (so I don't have to do it myself). Me and my sis just love these lyrics!

Iron Man 2

I have seen so many commercials already about the Avengers, that I decided that it was a high time to unwrap the DVD and watch it! So last night I watched the Iron Man 2. Now don't get me wrong. I like the genre. I like Iron Man. All and all the movie was good. But still few times I was ready to flick the channels to see what else is on. Then I would remember that, oh yeah this is DVD.

So I did watch the whole thing, obviously. One thing about this type of movies. They are ment to be watched from the big screen. I don't have that small TV, but it just felt small. So if your friends own the film, borrow it. Don't buy it unless you are a geek like me. I have both Hulk movies, both Iron Man movies... I still need to buy the Captain America. (But maybe not now, but when I come back from C.)

Sunday, May 06, 2012

One paper almost done

4,5 /5 pages done in economics. Will write few more lines to it today and then send it to the group and for grammar check. After the corrections it will be done. 0/26 pages and 0/1 powerpoint presentation done in Management. I will start doing the pages today. I will be able to fill five pages, if I remember correctly. I might also start the presentation... or maybe I should leave it to next week. 0/2-4 pages and 0/2-4 pages done in research. Oh wait I really should start with the first paper in research. I think I will ask one of my group members if she has started yet and if she would do it with me. The other one already is doing it with another group... Yeah, that pissed me of a bit.

No panic yet! I still have some time to write all these. But I do have a feeling that I would have forgotten something... Well there is few pages I need to write to the group work of my own learning. Oh, well we will see what I have forgotten when the school is over.

/edit: First grade in from the economics first task. I have to admit that I am a bit dissapointed with it. I got only 2. Luckily it is only 40% of the grade. So I might be able to get a 3 out of the class if I do well on the second paper.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Tickets: Check

Yesterday I was able to buy the plaine tickets to London. I will fly to Gatwick with Norwegian. The tickets were a bit more (as I figured they would be) and total price was just over 220. So I almost guessed it right. With the bus ride +40 the total trip will be 260 euros. (The bus is under 40, so by rounding the figures I get the right amount.) Next thing to pay is the trip to Bulgaria. I have almost all of it saved up, so I could pay it in advance. But better wait untill it is asked as I never know if I need to lent anything to anyone. After that I will start saving up for my trip to Canada.

Also Dentist appointment: Check. I booked it yesterday. Just because it is private and the add said that they will do it with the same price as public one. So I have half hours booked to check my teeth, a day before my payday. Yeah I know. What was I thinking. Well luckily it is really not that expensive, so I will be able to pay it easily. Just will need to get it in cash to my wallet already. I haven't seen a dentist in a while, so this is good. I will probably post a panic thingy just before I am going to go there. Don't really like going to the dentist.... *breath in**breath out*

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

What color are my eyes?

You know how in school you filled this friendship books and there you had to fill out what colour are your eyes. Well here I have two pics of the same eye. Yes they are obviously blueishly grey... I need to remember take a picture when I am angry, as I have been told that that my eyes look amazing then.
Right eye 27.4
Right eye 2.5
Oh yes, this is an experiment that I am going to do, to see if the color changes much. Just because I don't seem to have enough on my plate :)) *hah* And yes taking the pics is a bit of challenge as I can't see clearly of what I am taking the pic. Also lighting is difficult. As you can see from the first pic, there is a reflection of my backyard and hands and camera.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Travel plans for the summer

I chatted with my friend Rebecca last Sunday. I have planned to visit her during the summer before she leaves to her AUS/NZ trip. As it is so far away, she will be spending quite some time there. This is one reason why I am going to visit her this summer. So we talked about when would be a good time for me to come over. As she has really busy schedule a good time for both of us wasn't easy to find. The best time for her would have been when I am in Bulgaria and best time for me is when she is teaching and has retreat. Luckily we also discussed early summer options.

I have now the dates ready when I am going to see her. One thing is a bit of a problem though. How do I get to the airport? I thought I would take the train there, but it seems that the best option for me is to take the bus. The plaine lands just before midnight, so no trains are going then. The bus will leave between midnight and one, so I have enough time to get there. It just means that I will have to walk few kms to home. But yeah, I think that is what I will do. I will buy the return bus ticket so it will be a bit cheaper and I will have a ride home.

The plain tickets are quite expensive, (well not really, but kind of) even though it is not a special long weekend or anything. It is not even during the Olympics. Well I guess I should have bought the tickets much earlier to get them cheaper. I am going to fly with Norwegian, as it is the best choice. It will fly to Gatwick (less travel in UK end) and it is cheapest of them all. Now my round trip should cost about 220 euros. It might go higher if I am going to take a bigger bag. I hope I don't need to take a bigger bag, but I would survive with a smaller one. It is going to be just a weekend+ a day, so I don't need much stuff anyway.

On a happier note, she said she would be coming here too! So I will be able to see her twice during the summer before she leaves! Yay! I think I will start planning a trip to Australia for next summer... hmmmm travelling....

As I mentioned earlier I will also be going to Bulgaria for a week. I will need to buy a bigger bag when we go there, as I don't have any that would be working very well at the moment. But that's it for my summer. I have just two places where I plan to go. I think I will start saving money for the bigger trip for later this year or next year. I think I will ask my school about exchange programs to Canada. Also I need to contact the embassy about the working holiday visa... It would be so nice to be able to live there for few months at least.