Monday, September 23, 2013

What happens to paycheck part II

There was this article in Finnish newspaper on how to save money. You can check the article here:
The tips continue...

Ninth tip is to compete the electric company and phone company regularly. Well, for some this might be very valid advice. My Finnish phone is already very good and it is really difficult or impossible to find better deal. So if you already have a good deal, don't let it go for a deal that is only good for few months. 

Tenth tip is always take receipt and hold on to it. Yeah, very important for house items, but if you buy food you need to think twice. Sure hold on to the receipt for a day or two, but once you have used the food, you can through the receipt away. 

Tip number eleven. Complain, if there is need to complain. Right... Like you need a tip for that. They really made this as a tip? Really! How stupid they think people are?!

Tip twelve. Sell things that you do not need. This is a good tip. If you have excess items then sell, sell, sell. If you do not, like many who have little money don't have, this is not important tip for you. But if you are handy, you can fix items that others through away and sell them.

Tip thirteen. Use bicycle instead of a car. Well, if you do not have money, you probably don't have a car. Or if you need to you should sell the car, as if you only use the car once a month you are better off renting the car. Going by bike or by foot is a very good option if you are living in city. I don't have a car here in Toronto, but I use the public transportation. Also it is good to have friends who have a car.

Tip fourteen. Have vegetarian day once a week. Right... I remember that when I was a student, I ate meat probably once or twice a week. So not a good tip either. When you are calculating what you are eating anyway, you will loose the most expensive part of it. 

Tip fifteen. Use what the forest gives you. Right. Good advice, can't deny that. I just think that this should have been higher on the list and they should have explained this a bit more. At least in Finland you can go to the forest pick up berries and  mushrooms and also go fishing. You'll need to buy a permit to fish though. 

Like I said in the previous post, some of these tips are just no good. I had high hopes for this article but as you can see some of the tips are just not really helpful. I would have hoped for some really helpful tips. Basically if you haven't had that much money when you were growing up, just remember how you did things back then and you'll be fine. 

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