Well, well, well. I have now received the official reply from BA. Here it is:
Dear Kasku
Thank you for your email. I am really concerned to read about the trouble you had getting out of the aircraft BA 794 in Helsinki-Vantaa on 24/08/13, and also about the way the situation was handled by our staff. Please accept my sincere apologies for that.
Please believe that we take pride in our standards of service, and this certainly includes courteous and helpful staff. The behaviour you describe is unacceptable and a report has gone straight to the line manager of the staff in question.
Thank you for getting in touch, and for your helpful observations about our service. I hope that you did not keep any injury from that fall, and that despite this event you will choose to fly with us again soon.
So, now I am quite happy with my education, because I read this text and it just makes me angry. This message I should have received just few days after I sent the complaint... It does not take weeks to come up with this message. First of all, I did not have trouble getting out... I got out fine! There was problem with the landing part, as I landed on my knees. Do not belittle what I experienced. The apology should have come first, before any comment of the incident. Had I broken my leg or knee, there would be hell to pay. Trust me! Fortunately the most painful part was the first two days. After that I healed. I am not that old, so the healing process is quite fast still.
Do you also notice, that there is only one apology in this message. They do thank me twice for contacting them... There is no need to thank me for that. My helpful observations of the service was done while landing on my knees! Again belittling what happened to me. Basically, I read it as it has been my own fault for tumbling down and having difficulties getting out of the plane (maybe I got lost in the plane). The fault is not the staffs, but they still should have done something so they are going to report this to someone who is not going to do anything about it. The rest is as "But hey! Thank you for telling all this to us, and please use us again, because we are so perfect!"
Can't be bothered to write them back, because it would just mean that I would have to think about the incident while I would rather forget it. Maybe my New Years resolution is not to fly with BA. Also tell as many people as possible not to fly with BA as well. I am converting into KLM customer.
/Edit: I have shown this message to a few friend and told about it to another friend. They think the message is just fine. Maybe it is because we have talked about the importance of wording in school i.e. how not to take blame that this text just doesn't suite me. Really my first emotion after reading this, was anger! Or am I just overreacting? Well at least one of my friends agrees with me about how this message should be read. Hmmm, we both do customer care for living...
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