Friday, September 06, 2013

The World's End

Last night I saw The World's End. If you are a fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, you will love this movie as well! It was a bit different in my opinion compared to the previous ones (keep in mind I have not seen the Shawn of the dead). Still I would like to give a word of warning, the movie is not for everyone. You definitely need to have a specific kind of humor to fully enjoy it. Some kind of humor is needed to enjoy the movie. As what goes for the acting, this movie has one of the best scenes I have seen this year. Somehow those actor who thing they have made it have forgotten how to act. It is so boring to watch a movie where the actors seem to be just reading lines. So compared to that, the World's End is a good movie to watch. 

Plot, what can I say about the plot. It is what it is. It is definitely different from what you are used to if you are watching lots of Hollywood movies. I wish there would be more this type of movies where the plot is some parts plausible. It is very relateable and I imagine that because of that not that many people will like it. Basically if it hits too close to home, you won't enjoy it as much. And no, I am not talking about the aliens!

But in the end, I would say that this is a good movie to see in theaters or at home. I enjoyed seeing the movie in the almost empty movie theater (day showing), but I would guess it will be even better with a full house.  

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