Monday, September 23, 2013

Heat (the movie)

Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCharty in same movie. I do recommend this movie to be watched. It is not a waste of anybody's time. It's a bit hollywoodian, but it is good to see a cop movie with two leading roles played by women. Having said this, this is a good movie to be watched at home as well so no need to watch it in the movies. I am not a fan of comedy movies, so my interpretation of this movie might be off. Or then it should tell you that this really is a good movie. I don't think you really need to know more about this than that this is a cop movie. It tells you all you need to know to enjoy the movie, but if you need to know more of the plot, then go read it somewhere else. 

To me reading the plot sometimes reveals too much, and you can't enjoy the movie anymore. Especially when we are talking about feel good movies, then you really do not need to know anything about them. 

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