Friday, September 13, 2013

Flying is dangerous part II

So I have sent complaint of the incident to both to Finavia and BA. First contact I made via Twitter, basically to see what kind of response I would get there. Points go to Finavia, as they replied quite quickly with a link to the site where I can submit my complaint BA was not so friendly, although they did say they were sorry to hear about the incident and hoped I was okey. 

Then I sent the complaint via the suitable channel via their sites. I did not wait a speedy reply, as I am sure that both companies do receive a high amount of feedback all the time. So I was not worried when a week went by. I was not worried when the second week went by. I did expect to hear from Finavia by end of the second week, because to my understanding it is a smaller organization and thus the reply will come faster. 

Well I decided to send a tweet again. I admit, I was being a bit snarky in the tweet. I said "Wau! You guys either don't have customer care or the lines are long. Still no reply to my complaints." I addressed the tweet to both of the parties. To my surprise I got a tweet back from Finavia, saying that the official response will come from BA. So basically I do not need to wait for a reply from Finavia anymore, just wait for the BA one. 

I was pleasantly surprised that Finavia and BA have been communicating with each other about this, and are releasing a joint response. Not quite what I had expected from their past performance. There is still hope for the companies, although I still get chills just thinking of BA and the gate in Helsinki-Vantaa. If you ask me now, weather I will fly with BA again; my answer will be no. I do have to say, that because I love flying and traveling I am eager to just forget the whole thing. I don't want to stress about choosing flights so that I would not use certain company. I am sure that closer to Christmas, if you ask me again, I will think about it. Year from now, I will probably be flying with BA again without any hesitation. 

But, this is just an update on this matter. We will see in few weeks (hopefully) what kind of a reply I have received. 

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