Friday, September 20, 2013

It's middle of the night

This is just a silly post, to keep me up for few more minutes. I am waiting for a teacher to come online. We might (or might not) be able to talk about my thesis... Well it is nine a.m. in Finland, or few minutes after actually. Here it is after two a.m. and I am a bit tired. Well maybe more than a bit. I think I will suggest that next time it is either between 6-8 a.m. or in the afternoon after 2 p.m. so that I will be able to sleep some. 

I have no idea on how long should I wait... Just because she wrote that she might be able to be here, but there was no promise. I will not wait too long, because I do need to sleep. But I don't want to be gone if she would appear in few minutes time. So I need to wait at least 15 min? maybe 30 min? Now it's been 15 minutes and my teacher is not here. So can I now go to bed? Should I still wait for few more minutes. Maybe I sent my reply to her a bit too late, and she did not receive it in time.

I think I am going to go to bed in 4 minutes. Then I will have waited for her for 20 minutes. That is still nine-ish right? Now I have the song In the middle of the night stuck in my head... I should have chosen my topic a bit better. Three more minutes... Have I mentioned that (two minutes) that my boss has moved away from Finland? Also that due to the time difference he is almost twelve hours ahead of me. So when it is morning for him, it is night for me. Also he has chosen to keep me updated on things when he wakes up... This means that I have to listen to the possibility of not having a job just before I am going to bed. Oh, and the possibility of me not having a job is quite big. We are now talking about months instead of years. I might not have enough money for my living here in Canada for the last two months, if I don't get paid in January. So sweet dreams me. Now it's already one minute over... So posting this post and closing the thingy, and waking up in few hours. 

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