Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Insidious: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 the continuance of the horror movie Insidious. If you remember, I have talked about the first part here. I rented it with my friend based on suggestion from someone who had seen it. Basically the first part was not very good to be watched at home, so I decided that I would see this second one in the movie theater. 

First big problem that I faced was the other movie goers. I think this is my tenth time in movies here, or close to tenth, and never has the audience been so disrespectful of other movie goers. People played with their phones and talked well beyond the start of the movie. Not a very good start, when you are trying to enjoy the movie. I actually kicked someones seat, because the phone was so distracting. I could clearly see his facebook messages. Rude, I tell ya, Rude!

Other problem was, that the audience reacted to everything on screen. I think there were more laughter then in a comedy movie. If there was a hint of a ghost, people started ooOOing. I also think someone brought a young child there... It was very unpleasant experience. 

All this beside, the movie as a horror movie had only few scenes worthy of horror stamp. I would say that this was a good thriller, and as such worth watching in theater. If you love horror movies, then don't have your hopes up, as you'll be disappointed. Having said that, when you have low expectations you might end up loving the film. Just be warned, that the other movie goers might also ruin the movie for you. Plot was good, the acting was good. No bad words there, but maybe a bit too much comedic scenes to my taste.  

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