Saturday, June 09, 2012

What to write: Blog or school paper?

It is such a difficult choice... Let me think about if for a second. School paper is very important as it will be part of my grade. I do not have any exams as all grades are based on the papers that I submit. So I need to pay attention to them and make sure that I have listened in class so I will have the correct information in the papers. Luckily I now only have one paper left. It is one that I have to write by myself, so no group support or pressure to write it down. Also I still have a week before I need to submit it in. I will be going to Brighton in less than a week though. So I better get the paper done before that.

I also will need to ask if my sis can help me out while I am away. Just so that I will not have a lot of angry customers waiting. When you are the only person to do the cc, you sometimes need to think what is easiest for you. If it means that I will do 30 mins of work during holiday, than so be it. I rather do that then loose the little bit of joy that I have of working. I really did not even think how nasty people can be when they do not see the other person. It is like when we are online we do not need to behave like human beings. This is one reason why I will not do cc after I have finished here. I rather do the cleaning. Really, I mean it. Well I rather would win in Lotto and not work at all, but there is such a slim chance of that happening. It might help if I would put the lotto in...

I already know what I would do. I would so travel around the world so many times that I would ran out of money... Well I would buy an apartment first and take care of few things before going travelling. Oh, well I will do the lotto after next paycheck. 

Have I mentioned earlier that I hate waiting. I do not mind waiting for a train or plane, but when I have decided that I will move, I just want to pack everything and do it right then and there. So when I have decided that I will move in 3-6 months, it drives me crazy not to be able to things. I want to pack everything, but there is no point as I will be living here for few more months. I want to pack the things that I am going to take with me when I go abroad, still no point as I will need most of them many times before that will happen. I would like to take my stuff to storage, but I don't see a point living in an empty apartment. 

Also I have lived here almost 2,5 years now. That's quite good of me. Where else have I lived this long? Let me think now... Well I did not even need to think too far back. I lived in Tampere over 3 years, of which 3 years in one apartment. The few months that are over, I subletted from my aunts friend. No wonder I like Tampere as it is the place where I have lived longest, after turning 18.

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