Monday, June 25, 2012

To do list (number: very many)

Check/money order for EC ->possible?
Travel insurance for a year? (well 9 months as I already have 3 months paid)

Passport (9th of July)
Fingerprints x 2 (9th of July)
Criminal extract (?)

Pick up my niece (in few days)
Contact days for my school (27-31.8)
Move (no idea when)

Visit a friend (next weekend if possible)
Visit friends (4-5.8)
Friends wedding (15.9)

Take my niece to see a friend of mine, also there is a theme park near by (withing few weeks)

Other misc:
Dentist (18.7)
Passport and CE for G pics (today?)
Mow the lawn (today?)
Take the other half of the wallpaper down (today?)
Paint the wall with my niece (?)
Fleemarket availability (?)
Gym key (today?)
Birthday presents for 4-5 friends (?)
Buy a suitcase (?)

Argh, too many ideas floating around.

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