Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Making a Cake"

Have you found yourself in a situation where you have an empty "cake tin"? No cake tin should be empty! If you have not been faced with empty cake tin before, you might be surprised how long it takes to have the filling. Many do not know all the steps that it takes to have the right filling. Some have the fortune to have all the ingredients at hand but there are some that do not. So let me tell you a little bit of "making a cake".

First step is "finding the ingredients". We all have a good idea what a cake entails. What is not known is that we all have our own special ingredients that we need to find to make the cake, our own cake. So if you have not baked a cake before, you will need to start with finding the ingredients. First the easy part: few eggs, sugar and paking powder. Then you will need to find flour. Make sure you find the correct one, so that the cake will fit your needs. You never know where you find the ingredients. They might have been hidden in places your never thought to look. Now after you have found the ingredients, remember that there is still lots to do before the cake is ready, so pace yourself. All those who are eager to taste the cake before it is ready, just tell them that "ingredients ready cake are not!"

Step two is "getting the equipment". Now you need to find a bowl where to make the dough. Make sure that you find a big enough bowl, so that the dough will not spill. Then you will need a mixer. You can mix the eggs by hand as well but it will take more time than with electric mixer. Also you need something to measure the right amount of sugar, baking powder and flour. The cake tin you already have, as you would not have noticed that it is empty if you did not have it. You also need an oven, to bake the cake. Using microwave is possible but for the best result you will need time and oven.

Step three is "making the dough". Now you need to be ready. You have spent some time to find the eggs and you might not even find them all the the same time. So you might feel that you need to take care of the eggs. No! To make the cake we need to break the eggs. Just take a deep breath and go for it. The eggs will be the base for the cake. After you have breaked the eggs add some sugar and mix well. If the eggs and sugar is not mixed well you might have to start over. Then measure the flour and baking powder and mix them to the dough. If you have forgotten something or used wrong ingredient you will need to start over. 

Step four is "baking the cake". This step is mostly waiting, but it is very important step anyway. Now that your dough is ready, it is time to put it into the cake tin. Preheat the oven and put the cake in. Remember not to put the oven too hot or too cold, as you will need to start from the beginning if the cake is not good. Also the cake needs to be in the middle of the oven, and you guessed it right you might need to start over if it gets burned. Then you will have to wait and trust that you have the right ingredients. If you let the cake be in the oven too long, it will burn and if you take it out too soon it will be raw, which means that you will need to start over. 

Step five is "cake is ready". Now you have a cake tin with a filling. It has been a long road to get here and you might have had to repeat steps more times than you can count. Just trust yourself that you are able to make a cake that fills your cake tin. 

The most difficult thing about making this cake is, that you will have to do it all by yourself. Others can help with finding the ingredients, but only you know what the right ones are. Other can help you with getting the equipment, but only you know what is the best way to make the cake. Sometimes we have to use trial and error to find the best way for us, as it might not have been written up and we have to use others way first to find our own. Waiting is the hardest part. You will need to trust yourself and be patient. In the end you will have a cake. You can decorate it the way you want or use no decorations at all. Once you have done the first succesful cake, you will find that it gets easier and easier to make another one.

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