Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dentist III

Well it was a hygienist but anyway, went to the same building as before. So the hygienist was really nice lady, one of the best I ever have had. I remember the couple of earlier ones that I have had. One didn't know how to use the sharpy thing as my gum was full of holes after that visit. Also I really don't like the lecture that they give me after I tell that it has been a few years between the visits. I know that it has been quite a lot of time and I already feel bad about not going sooner, so no need to make me feel worse. Well I do have to say that I have picked up my speed a little bit. Last time I saw a hygienist was 2,5 years ago. Last time I saw dentist was 4 years ago? Maybe? Around 4-5 years ago. So I think they should appreciate that I at least make the effort and not go at all. That is an option in my head, I just haven't used it yet.

So this time, my teeth were just cleaned. Nothing else. I knew that there were not going to be anything else, but I still worried. I know the process what they are going to do by heart (well I am not going to tell them that) so I know if something is not normal. So I liked that this lady told me what she was going to do next and she asked me if it hurt. I told her at first that I do believe that it is not going to hurt, but I just don't like having things in my mouth. And that I hate the sound. Still she asked and made me feel more at ease. I didn't get a lecture on things that I have done wrong or not going to the dentist office more often. I got reccomendations and options what to do. That's what I like to hear. Fool me to believe that I have an option to do something. 

I also booked the final appointment to remove the final wisdom teeths. So in four weeks time I will be less wise. It is a 30 minute appointment, so it should not be too difficult. I already know what they are going to do, based on the previous visit. I know I will be nervous when I get there, but there is nothing I can do about that. I have pain meds already, as I didn't use all of them during the first teeth pulling. So all I need to do is remember to go there.

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